How S32DS generates a checksum to populate a hex file or S19 file

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How S32DS generates a checksum to populate a hex file or S19 file

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Contributor II


       I've been working on a S32K144 feature recently to generate a checksum for my own hex or S19 files and store it in flash to verify file integrity

     I'd also like to know how the internal checksum is calculated using how to use the S32DS configuration, or which tool to use to do this at GCC compile time。

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


if you need checksum for - let's say Intel hex - generated by objcopy tool - you need to use an external tool like srec_cat -  


Nice tutorial you can find here -

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

This is called flash array integrity check. As I know S32K1 does not support it by HW. It is available on ASIL-D device as some MPC5 and S32K3.


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