YoctoBSP build for imx-linux-kirkstone branch with version imx-5.15.71-2.2.0.xml is failing after codeaurora migrated to different platforms as per https://bye.codeaurora.org
multiple references are pointing to source.codeaurora.org and builds are failing.
Could some one help me with easy fix to point to the new sources to be able to build
1. If you simply want (any) BS34, you can download and build 34.0.1:
repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/auto_yocto_bsp -b release/bsp34.0.1
2. If you need 34.2 specifically, then some manual steps are required:
- download the BSP sources by running the "repo init" and "repo sync" commands as usual for BSP 34.2
- download the patches:
into the meta-alb directory of your BSP (e.g. from a web browser, open above links and right-click then "Save as...").
- go to meta-alb directory of your BSP in a bash shell and apply the three patches:
patch --backup-if-mismatch -F 10 -u -p 1 -i 31b5687270e5ac25244a263abf5412604c5a92ed.patch
patch --backup-if-mismatch -F 10 -u -p 1 -i 9a8702cf4a0bc290398c3993dd4a501b0e68177b.patch
patch --backup-if-mismatch -F 10 -u -p 1 -i a4da9a67a2a910d22579bbca7d398929e52a0f08.patch
After that, you can use the BSP as usual to build whatever you wish (run nxp-setup-alb.sh then bitbake etc.)
You can find all the Android repositories here: