LPUART configuration is :
Transfer type select DMA , Baudrate is 500000 , RX use DMA channel 1, TX use DMA channel 0.
eDMA configuration is :
two DMA channel : channel 0 request is LPUART0_TX, channel 1 request is LPUART0_RX.
SW code is :
Use “LPUART_DRV_ReceiveData(INST_LPUART0, (UINT8 *)DataBuf, DataLen)” to receive UART data.
But the SW can’t run to LPUART_DRV_RxIrqHandler().
SW can go to “LPUART_DRV_TxCompleteIrqHandler()” when use “LPUART_DRV_SendData(INST_LPUART0, (UINT8 *)DataBuf, DataLen)” to send UART data.
H dearwww2000,
I just added a comment in your second thread here:
How to use eDMA receive UART end interrupt ?
BR, Daniel