Hi everyone,
I would like to know if it is possible to create a project with S32DS IDE with the libraries (drivers like the clock or the pins...) without using Processor expert ?
I'm new with this IDE.
well - technically - yes. Processor expert is generating code - for example fills config structures and so on. You can use only libraries/headers from SDK and write all the generated stuff by yourself. What is your use case for bypassing Processor Expert?
Hi, and thank you for your answer.
I'm in an internship, and I have to write my own SPI driver in order to learn how it's work.
We though it was possible to just get all the libraries and make what I have to do by myself.
I see. In my opinion is better idea start with LPSPI_s32k144 example (in case that your MCU is S32K144). This example is not using SDK (and processor expert) and you can learn how SPI works.
I'm working on the S32K148, but I think I can use the example.