Newbie question

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Newbie question

Contributor I
Ok, I have a USB that plugs into the dash on my car that uses the MC9S120G256VPVE chip. It uses proprietary software to upload changes to the cars computer. I have a question about writing to it.

I know the chip is writable from the computer, since the computer program i use stores data in it. Is there a standalone EXE i can use to read the code/firmware, edit it, and reload it? Again, it is USB, so i figured it would be easy to do, providing the right software is used. I dont have any real knowledge of programming, yet if someone could point me in the right direction, i might be able to figure it out.

-MANY- Thanks to all who can help!
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2 Replies

Contributor III
I assume you mean the DG256. This device has no support for USB, so there must be an external chip to manage the USB communication. This must be done in SW in a way which is proprietary to the car manufacturer - there is no way members of this forum can help you (unless someone works for that particular auto maker and is willing to publish the details of the proprietary protocol - which is very doubtful indeed).

I doubt it is USB anyway, majority of modern vehicles are equipped with CAN connectors for debugging / firmware upgrade purposes.

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Senior Contributor IV
It is also very likely that the chip is secured. In that case there is no way to get the program from it, you must mass erase the flash.
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