How to cause function having only its address???

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How to cause function having only its address???

1,915 次查看
Specialist II
Greetings, prompt as it is possible to solve a following problem: it is necessary to cause function, but there is only its address. I write in C++ on CW4.7 for S12XDP. Thought it will be possible to use Assembler inserts, but at me nothing has left.
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569 次查看
Specialist III
Not sure I understand the question here.
Are you looking for a way to call a function which reside at a specified address from a ANSI C function?
If this is what you are looking for you can use a constant function pointer to call the function.
Something as follows:  
   void (*const fktPtr)(void) = (void(*)(void))0x1234;
   void main(void) {
This will call function located at address 0x1234.
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569 次查看
Specialist II
Thanks for the help, I also had it in view of. I believed that for nonstatic function such design will not work. Thanks :smileywink:
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569 次查看
Senior Contributor IV
C++ will not allow you to convert the address of a non-static member function of a class to a function pointer. For such cases you have to use non-standard extensions to the language, such as inline assembler.

This is one of the reasons why C++ is less suitable than C for embedded systems.
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569 次查看
Specialist II
Hello Lundin.

Lundin wrote: C++ will not allow you to convert the address of a non-static member function of a class to a function pointer. For such cases you have to use non-standard extensions to the language, such as inline assembler.
Completely with you it agree, I on tried to use the assembler, but at me that it has not turned out...... Has not refused if somebody has helped me in the decision of the given problem....
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