Hi-WAVE Communicationto the target has failed      (target MCU has no clock or wrong BDM clock speed is used      or derivative is secured!)

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Hi-WAVE Communicationto the target has failed      (target MCU has no clock or wrong BDM clock speed is used      or derivative is secured!)

5,552 次查看
Contributor I



I am using MCU MC9S12G series. The controller is already mounted on a PCB.


I am using a jig to flash the MCU using PEs USB BDM Multilink (6 pin).


The controller is part of a  pre-aged component.

The actual working voltage of the whole pcb is 24v.


The regulator supplies the MCU with 5V.


The voltages at the jig and BDM Multilink interfaces are Vdd = 5V

                                                                                Reset = 5V

                                                                                BGND = 5V


I am using code warrior for loading the code. The error obtained is


Hi-WAVE Communication to the target has failed     

(target MCU has no clock or wrong BDM clock speed is used or derivative is secured!)


I have set the clock.

CLKDIV: [entered value here |default 73]


When i try to unsecure the MCU using the unsecure command in code warrior i get the following message :


"Derivative could NOT be unsecured"

I am unable to flash the code.

Another team has used the same jig to flash the code on to a 12v version of the pcb having same MCU, successfully.

Can the input voltage of the jig have any effect on flashing if i am getting 5v to the mcu?

Please help.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I would like to share with you a  check list I would use if the MCU does not communicaes with BDM.

  1. Check Oscillator clock.
  2. Check XCLKS is connected to the correct logic level in order to select used oscillator circuitry.
  3. Check the TEST pin is tied to GND.
  4. Check the ECLK pin contains BUSCLK frequency when the MCU is started in special single chip mode (MODC=0 during reset). BUSCLK=OSCCLK/2
  5. Check the reset meets requirements and behavior described in the data sheet.
  6. Check connection for special single chip mode selection. Pins MODC=0 during reset.
  7. Check communication traffic on the BKGD pin- oscilloscope. (the wire on the communication interface can be wrong)
  8. Check the MCU is not secured.
    • If you use USB multilink you have to use unsecure Option MultilinkCyclonePro->Unsecure in the CodeWarrior Hiwave Debugger.
    • or you can use external usecure program which can be downloaded from pemicro pages.
      Unsecure_12  (8060 KB): Utility which unsecures HCS12 devices via P&E's BDM Interfaces such as Cyclone-PRO, USB-ML-12, and BDM-Multilink. This version supports the new Rev B Multilink. http://www.pemicro.com/downloads/download_file.cfm?download_id=16
      Unsecure_12 Help Files (20 KB)  This .hlp file describes the use and operationg of the Unsecure_12 program which is used with P&E's interface devices to unsecure proeviously secured HCS12 microcontrollers. http://www.pemicro.com/downloads/download_file.cfm?download_id=14
  9. Check you use corresponding project target settings with BDM connection. (For example, P&E micro project target is selected and the board is connected directly by USB cable to the Softec board target interface. P&E micro project target is compatible only with USB BDM multilink, Cyclone PRO or on-board interface circuits if it is presented)
  10. Check the MCU you have selected in the project is the same as on the board.
  11. HW configuration: schematic can be compared for example with TWR-S12G128: MC9S12G128 Automotive 16-bit Tower System Module (  http://cache.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/hardware_tools/schematics/TWR-S12G128_SCH.pdf )
  12. If some issue happens do not use complex project. Create new one as simple as possible. The best is to just blink some diode or toggle some pin in endless loop.
  13. Issue placement localization:
    • If you are able to test the issue at another board - do it to localize whether issue is in communication or on the board.
    • If you have only one board try to use another MCU to localize whether issue is in communication or on the board.
    • If you have only one board and it has been working previously try to use another MCU to localize whether issue is on the board or in the MCU.

Best Regards, Ladislav

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2,253 次查看
Contributor I

Thank You,

I Checked the Oscillator clock.It is 16Mhz .

Checked XCLKS is connected to the correct logic level in order to select used oscillator circuitry.

Checked the TEST pin is tied to GND.

When i try to unsecure the MCU, The message displayed is : Derivative cannot be unsecured.

I believe the communication is not being established with the MCU and i am not sure of the reason.

I also used the unsecure_12 utility. Even that did not work.

I have two boards and the same issue persists with both.

I have verified all the other check points. I will try to use a simple project and verify.

Please suggest if any other things need to be done to resolve the issue.

My assumption is that :   Communication with the controller is not being established.

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2,254 次查看
Contributor I

Have u solved the problem?

What was the issue? If you know the solution.

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