Rapid IoT Bluetooth problem

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Rapid IoT Bluetooth problem

Contributor III


I recently received the NXP Rapid IoT kit.

I have followed instruction from Internet to turn on the built in Bluetooth.

On the Rapid IoT kit itself, it shows the Bluetooth has been activated. However, I cannot find any Bluetooth devices by scanning from my phone or my PC.

Please advise.

37 返答(返信)

Contributor III

ah thank you.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III


Yes I did try in Windows and there were no new device plug in. Even there wasn't Windows USB plug in notification sound.

I think there is a hardware problem. The kit can be powered from USB port but there is no communication.

0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I will arrange a new kit shipment to you and I will get yours shipped back to me for in depth analysis.

0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

For now I have no hypothesis on the problem origin. Sorry to ask even more questions:

Once the kit is in Mass Storage Deivce (MSD) mode (pressing , can you take a snapshot of the device manager, expanding the USB controllers section and the Disk drives sections ?

Should look like below:


If you have any warning or exclamatino sign, that would mean a driver issue.

If nothing abnormal is reported I owuld feel stuck for the moment, cause I do not have an idea yet what else to try.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Hi There

I've got the same issue. Brand new device. When initiatizing conform instructions the device reponded once and connected to the app (latest version). I saw it updating time.  When I was setting up a simple dashboard it refused to respond again,an tme feld back to 12:00.

A total flush of the app and reset did not work. I waited until the battery was emptied and than I could restart this cycle again, however just again only one moment of reponse again.

The simple dashboard indicates that is saw the device <fist time>; no updates op adding any data sample.

BLE indicator on device is continous on; the BT indicator in the app flashes only; time is still 12:00

RIoT boots and does have firmware version 1.1.4.

Other NXP apps seems not able to make BT connection either; manual BT pairing refused due to "unknown" PIN code (0000,1234,999999, P<4 last digits serial>. No other BT devices connected.

Phone LG Nexus5X.

0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Ron,

I will check what happened to your kit. Can you provide me with the serial number at the back ? 

FW version out of production should be 1.1.6 and not 1.1.4. This likely explain your bluetooth issues.

Please flash this one:


and try again and let me know whether the pb still persists.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Hello Eric,

numbers on the back:

M 0060370000128629

ID 410372309406069B

Were can I find the binary flash instruction?

0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Ron,

- see user guide p 108, chapter 4.1.3:


- or you can check video:

How-To enter mass storage device mode of rapid-iot 

Link to the binary again here:


0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Hello Eric,

Thanks for your hints so far.

The update and flashing the RIoT again did not solve the BLE problem however.

I tried some steps:

1) I tried to put another program in the device also using BLE. No succes either

1) Then I did restore the device to factory defaults and remove all devcies in the app (which was a beta version form the play store); no succes


No communication between phone and device seems to happen. THere was only a first time connect no data was received anymore afterwards.

In fact don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

regards Ron

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Ron - you made a comment that the app was Beta from the play store. The latest version is 1.2.3 - NXP Rapid IoT - Apps on Google Play 

Please confirm you are using this version. 

Also you said you can't connect to  https://rapid-iot-studio.nxp.com/ Can you get to the login page? You can obviously log in to NXP because you can post here. The single sign on should allow you access to the studio/devices as well. 

You must use the same sign on for the mobile app that you use for the NXP web site. Your user account is what links your programmed devices to the mobile app and cloud. Thanks

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Hello Richard,

I used the older version to to loging via the SSO on my phone (LG Nexus 5X). Version 1.2.3 wont allow me to login via SSO (not found (404)) error. When I replaced version 1.2.3 with 1.1.4 then older one i can login again.

How ever no communications is esatblished between phone en RIoT.

When I tried to use the app on anther (samsung) phone the same issue happens.

I presume something is wrong in the SSO part.

I set up 2 coounts now there perhaps something is interfering.

Hope this helps to solve my problem(s).


0 件の賞賛

Contributor III


If you can share an image of the App screen when you get the 404 error that may help us diagnose the issue. The 404 error is not something any of us are getting when we log in. Where are you logging in from? (country) 

I would not expect the older version to work, so we should focus on getting the 1.2.3 mobile app issue resolved. 


0 件の賞賛

Contributor I
Hi Richard,
Sure, I would like to use the newest version of the app. 
I work from Netherlands and I will try to explain what symptoms I've got:
on my W10 laptop:
- Using  Chrome Versie 72.0.3626.121 (Officiële build) (64-bits) 
----> I can access the https://www.nxp.com/ruhp/myAccount.html home page and login just fine with my account. I can go to the community without any problem.
-----> when I start  the rapid IoT dev environment this screen below is showed (the account/passwd combi won't allow me acces) using:

2.1.1 Registration

Visit the dedicated Rapid IoT Studio portal: http://rapid-iot-studio.nxp.com

You will need a free NXP account to access Rapid IoT Studio.

If you already have an account press LOGIN NXP SSO and you will be automatically redirected to the NXP Sign In page (NXP employees use your NXP WIB).

on my W10 laptop:  
-When using FireFox (version 66.0.1 (64-bits))
---> I can just login to the account using samen url and account / passwd combination.
----> the IDE environment works fine and I can access the rIoT device also to download sw.
On my Smart phone LG Nexus5X (android 8.1.0)
---> with older app version 1.2.3 I can login to the SSO application and the app will start
----> I can see the device, provioning it, and the app is showing
------> However no communication between phone an rIoT device (BLE indicator keeps on blinking; no authentication between phone and device happens so far looking via the USB serial output)
---> with the latest app version from google store installed on my Nexus5X (after removing the old one)
-----> the same SSO error (404) as showed above in the picture occurs
-------> no further action can be done; askes to reload again but no succes in typing username/passwd over again.
On my Samsung A7 smartphone (android 8.1.0)
----> with the newest app installed (never used it with the older app) 
------> same SSO error (404)
--------> no further action.
So I think this SSO thing first needs to be resolved.
Hopes this helps to find any clue.
0 件の賞賛

Community Manager

would it be possible to attach a snap shot of the sso error?

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Hello Juan,

This snapshot is in the image.png in my last reply to Richard 5 days ago.

Additionally I tried to accesc IDE with Chrome on W10 laptop using the  "Chrome incognito" browser. This worked fine, but NOT in the normal browser. So probably i need to flush something in the browser too.

I don't know wath is wrong in the Apps however on both smartphones.  Still the same issue as shown in image.png




0 件の賞賛

Community Manager

The image seems to be broken.

I made a slight adjustment to your profile but you may have solved it with the incognito window. Can you try once more in normal browser?

0 件の賞賛

Contributor I

Hello Juan,

I had to do some other activities the last month, so I was not able to experimen and react too much.

In the meanwhile I was able to use the application with FF or Chrome in the incognito mode. So thanks if you change the profile to get it working again.

Then I used a new smartphone to onboard myself to the SSO agin. This worked fine afterwards also with the other phones mentioned. So this gave hope to reinstall all again and trying the RioT device.

I 've got it to work after some tryouts and it connect by BLE to the demo-App of the smartphone.

Then I was back to the begin: I want to use the device in some specific setting:

- connecting it up with a Rpi using BLE

- connecting a external GPS by BT getting data

- hook it on to node-red, influx and Grafana

Are there any experiences with this use case in the community?

0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


we had a contest on hackster.io:


- There you can find examples on connection via Rpi and links toward code.

Am not sure about your other requests, juste parse the proejct on hackster.io who got into the contest. 

In the NXP site community, to my knowledge, there is no such exampels yet.

0 件の賞賛

Community Manager

Hi Ron, I'm not the correct person to support this type of Issue ... frq05186‌, can you pick this up?

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III


I can’t reproduce this issue and the image doesn’t show up for me.


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