QorIQ SDK prerequisites and scope of development?

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QorIQ SDK prerequisites and scope of development?

Contributor III


     I have series of questions to get clarified regarding SDK 1.8... please check them below...

          1. Do we need to create cross-tool-chain(powerpc-eabi or powerpc-fsl-linux) to generate images for QorIQ processors using SDK? If not where is the Cross-Tool-chain is located in SDK?

          2. I want to develop Bare board application for T1024RDB using SDK. Is there any tutorial for guidance?

          3. Can we use "powerpc-fsl-linux-*" cross tools for designing bare board application? if not how it will effect? and how to create "powerpc-eabi-*" cross tool chain using SDK?

          4. How to develop u-boot standalone binaries (programs which can run in u-boot environment) using SDK?

          5. how to create "qemu-system-ppc/ppc64" executable in HOST PC to emulate binaries/images generated by SDK in HOST PC it self?

          6. In the scope of development what is difference between Code Warrior and SDK?



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6 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

>1. Do we need to create cross-tool-chain(powerpc-eabi or powerpc-fsl-linux)

>   to generate images for QorIQ processors using SDK? If not where is

>   the Cross-Tool-chain is located in SDK?


[Platon] The SDK builds and installs a toolchain automatically when

it builds a target image or package. If you want to use the SDK toolchain

to build an external (to the SDK) software, follow instructions at this



>2. I want to develop Bare board application for T1024RDB using SDK. Is there any tutorial for guidance?


[Platon] SDK is for development in Linux environment. Use CodeWarrior

to work with bare hadrware. CodeWarrior documentation can be found here:


>3. Can we use "powerpc-fsl-linux-*" cross tools for designing bare

>board application? if not how it will effect? and how to create

>"powerpc-eabi-*" cross tool chain using SDK?

[Platon] No.  powerpc-fsl-linux tools generate binaries that rely on

the presence of Linux OS. Use CodeWarrior for bare board development.

>4. How to develop u-boot standalone binaries (programs which can

>run u-boot environment) using SDK?


[Platon] The SDK is primarily targeted at Linux and uses u-Boot only

as a bootloader. If you wish to develop a u-Boot application, study

u-Boot documentation:


doc/README.standalone - this path is from the top of u-Boot source code

directory tree

and the sources/Makifiles of example standalone applications, see the

documents above on how to locate them.

>5. how to create "qemu-system-ppc/ppc64" executable for HOST PC to

>emulate binaries/images generated by SDK in HOST PC it self?


[Platon] There is no support to host KVM/QEMU in the SDK. Refer to

the documentation on QEMU website:


>6. In the scope development what is difference between Code Warrior and SDK?


[Platon] The SDK is a set of tools and software packages that helps you

to quickly configure, create and deploy a workable Linux to a supported target board.

CodeWarrior is a set of tools for software development: creating, building

and debugging your code. If you develop for Linux, the SDK creates the

basic environment for your target board (workable kernel, roofs),

CodeWarrior builds, debugs and profiles your code for you. For a bare

board, CodeWarrior creates a minimum operation environment for your


Have a great day,

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Contributor III

Thanks for the clarifications... It was nice explanation

1) for first question you didn't mention where toolchain will be installed when we build images?

2) I saw the page you shared to create "u-boot standalone binary". I went through example. I could observe header files are different from standard C header files for "hello_world" u-boot standalone example (Ex: "printf" function is used but "stdio.h" not included)  If I want to create u-boot standalone binary where can I find API details(for accessing different interfaces and controllers). I explored through u-boot documentation I could not find the details.

Thanks and Regards,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

>1) for first question you didn't mention where toolchain will be installed when we build images?


[Platon] It depends on the selected target hardware. Run `bitbake -e | grep ^STAGING_BINDIR_TOOLCHAIN'

to see.

>2) I saw the page you shared to create "u-boot standalone binary". I went through example. I could observe

>header files are different from standard C header files for "hello_world" u-boot standalone example (Ex:

>"printf" function is used but "stdio.h" not included)  If I want

>to create u-boot standalone binary where can I find API details(for accessing different interfaces and

>controllers). I explored through u-boot documentation I could

>not find the details.

[Platon] Read the README.standalone. For peripheral/driver exported functions, study the driver source code

and the corresponding README under doc/, if available.

Have a great day,

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Contributor III

I could find the toolchain directory using command provided by you. But I could find only "powerpc-fsl-linux-" toolchain only. there should be "powerpc-eabi-" toolchain too.. isn't it?. because we need "powerpc-fsl-linux-" when we are building linux images.. but to build u-boot binary which will run on bare board should be compiled with "powerpc-eabi-" toolchain... correct me I am wrong.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The SDK does not provide powerpc-eabi-* toolchain. u-Boot is built with the same toolchain as Linux. This is OK because both Linux and u-Boot are

fully self-contained binaries, they are environment for themselves.

Have a great day,

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Contributor III

That's mean bare board application application build with "powerpc-fsl-linux-" toolchain also should work as that also self contained/independent binary...?



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