LS1012A-FRWY Unable to Recover

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LS1012A-FRWY Unable to Recover

Contributor I

I am trying to perform recovery on a LS1012A-FRWY that doesn’t boot anymore and I’m following the procedure as described in

I am unable to connect to the core, even if I am setting USE_SAFE_RCW=True.

In CW I'm getting the following:

Diagnose 01.jpg

When USE_SAFE_RCW=False, I get this:

Diagnose 02.jpg

Using CLI:

Diagnose 04.jpg

The board does not boot. No characters appear on the terminal.

The onboard K20 works fine, the MBED drive appears, the virtual COM port works and I am able to put the K20 in bootloader.

I am using an external CMSIS-DAP interface connected to J11.

I saw something about the R50 (in several topics; e.g.LS1012A-FRDM Codewarrior Flash Error )

Do I have to perform any hw procedures on the board?

Please advise.

Thank you!

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3 返答(返信)

Contributor I

Can this be done using a generic JTAG probe or only with the CodeWarrior TAP?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The recovery could be done by CodeWarrior IDE + CodeWarrior TAP only.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Please consider that in the CodeWarrior Development Studio for QorIQ LS series - ARM V8 ISA, Targeting Manual, 8.6.2 Program valid RCW in flash device using Flash Programmer there is following note:

"When using the CMSIS-DAP probe, it is recommended to verify operation parameters and RCW correctness before continuing. Failure to program a compatible RCW may result in board being unable to boot. Recovery is not possible using CSMSIS-DAP and will require use of the external CodeWarrior TAP unit".

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