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Processor Expert Software Knowledge Base


Introduction The goal of this example is to read all ADC inputs of Kinetis KL25 in a row without the need of using CPU core for switching channels and pins and reading individual values. The FRDM-KL25 board features Kinetis MKL25Z128VLK4 microcontroller. This MCU contains a 16-bit AD converter with 16 inputs. In Processor Expert there is available ADC_LDD component which can be used for measuring values on these pins. However, there is a limitation that some of the input pins (e.g. ADC0_SE4a and ADC0_SE4b) are muxed to same channel and ADC_LDD doesn’t allow to measure such two pins at once without additional mux-switching code. The MCU also does not provide an option of scanning through the ADC channels and the channels need to be switched by the user. To resolve the goal of measuring all inputs in a row the Peripheral Initialization components and DMA (Direct Memory Access) peripheral can be used. Project Description Note: The archive with the example project is attached to this article. The DMA in this example is used for controlling all the channel switching, pin mux selection and reading the results for series of measurement into a memory buffer. Results are written to serial console (virtual serial port) provided by the FRDM board. The Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels are configured for writing and reading ADC registers the following way: DMA channel 0 reads converted results (ADC0_RA register) DMA channel 1 changes the ADC pin group selection multiplexer (ADC0_CFG2 register) using values from memory array ChannelsCfg DMA channel 2 selects the ADC channel and starts conversion (ADC0_SC1A register) using values from memory array ChannelsCfg2 The data for the DMA channel 1 a 2 are prepared in the ChannelsCfg and ChannelsCfg2 arrays prepared in memory and the DMA operates in the following cycle: In the beginning, the DMA channel 1 transfer is started using software trigger. This selects the pin (a/b). Then, DMA channel 2 is immediately executed because of enabled DMA channel linking. This configures the channel and starts the conversion. After the conversion is complete, the result is read by DMA channel 0 and stored to results array. Channel linking executes the Channel 1 transfer and the cycle continues. After all needed channels are measured (DMA byte counter reaches 0), the DMA Interrupt is invoked so the user code is notified. See the following figure describing the process: Component Configuration The application uses generated driver modules from the following Processor Expert components: ConsoleIO properties setup This component redirects printf command output to FRDM USB virtual serial port which is connected to UART0 pins PTA1/UART0_RX and PTA2/UART0_TX. The serial device, speed and pins are configured in inherited Serial_LDD component. Init_ADC properties setup The Init_ADC provides ADC initialization code with all channels enabled and set to single-ended. The clock can be selected according to any valid value, according to the user needs.The same with HW average settings. Compare functionality will not be used in this demo.           Pins configuration - all pins available on the board are enabled:           Interrupts,  DMA and Triggering - Interrupts are disabled, DMA request is enabled. Triggering is disabled, as it’s not used in this demo project, However, the application could be extended to use it.           Init_DMA properties setup The Init_DMA provides provides initialization code for the DMA. Clock gate and DMA multiplexor are enabled:           DMA Channel 0 16-bit results are transferred from ADC0_RA register (see proprerty Data source / Address). Transfer mode is Cycle-steal, which means that only one transaction is done per each external request. The destination address initial value is not filled in the inspector because it's filled repeatedly in the application code. Channel linking is set to trigger channel 1 after each transfer DMA mux settings for the Channel 0 are enabled and ADC0_DMA_Request is selected, which is the signal from ADC when the conversion ends. "DMA transfer done" interrupt for this channel is enabled. The ADCint ISR function will be called. External request (request from ADC) is Enabled to start the transfer. Byte count will also be changed before every sequence Property values:                     DMA Channel 1 DMA channel 1 changes the ADC pin group selection multiplexer (ADC0_CFG2 register) using values from memory array ChannelsCfg. Please note that the source address initial value is not filled, will be set in the application code along with the Byte count value. There is no HW trigger for this channel, it's set to be triggered by SW only (and by linking mechanism, which will be used). The linking from this channel is set to trigger CH2 after the transfer. No interrupt is enabled for this channel                DMA Channel 2 DMA channel 2 selects the ADC channel and starts conversion (ADC0_SC1A register) using values from memory array ChannelsCfg2. No channel is linked after the transfer ends - No link. No external channel request is selected, this channel transfer is triggered by linking from CH2.                TimerUnit_LDD It's used in the application code to provide delay to slow down console output. The TPM0 counter is used with the period of approx. 350ms. No interurpt is used. Auto initialization is enabled.                Code The channels/pins to be measured are specified in the ChannelsCfg and ChannelsCfg2 arrays. These arrays contains a list of pins to be measured, the order can be changed according to the user needs, the channels can even be measured multiple times. The special value 0x1F stops the conversion. // configuration array for channels - channel numbers. Should ends with 0x1F which stops conversion // seconcd onfiguration array coreesponding to channels selecting A/B pins // For example: 0 + PIN_A corresponds to the pin ADC0_SE0,   5 + PIN_5 selects the pin ADC0_SE5b // You can use these arrays to reorder the measurement as you need const uint8_t ChannelsCfg [ADC_CHANNELS_COUNT + 1] =  { 0,     4,     3,     7,     4,    23,    8,     9,    11,     12,    13,    14,    15,    5,     6,     7,     0x1F }; const uint8_t ChannelsCfg2[ADC_CHANNELS_COUNT + 1] =  {PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_B, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_A, PIN_B, PIN_B, PIN_B,    0 }; In the main loop, the application first re-initializes the DMA values and strarts the sequence by software triggerring the DMA channel 1. // loop while (TRUE) {    // clear flag     Measured = FALSE;    // reset DMA0 destination pointer to beginning of the buffer    DMA_DAR0 = (uint32_t) &MeasuredValues;    // reset DMA1 source pointer (MUX switching writes)    DMA_SAR1 = (uint32_t) &ChannelsCfg2;    // reset DMA2 source pointer (channel switching and conversion start writes)    DMA_SAR2 = (uint32_t) &ChannelsCfg;    // number of total bytes to be transfered from the ADC result register A    DMA_DSR_BCR0 = ADC_CHANNELS_COUNT * 2;    // set number of total bytes to be transfered to the ADC0_CFG2    DMA_DSR_BCR1 = ADC_CHANNELS_COUNT + 1;    // set number of total bytes to be transfered to the ADC0_SC1A.     DMA_DSR_BCR2 = ADC_CHANNELS_COUNT + 1;    // start first DMA1 transfer (selects mux, then fires channel 2 to select channel which starts the conversion)    DMA_DCR1 |= DMA_DCR_START_MASK;    // wait till it's all measured   while (!Measured) {}    // print all measured values to console   for (i=0; i<ADC_CHANNELS_COUNT; i++) {     printf ("%7u", (uint16_t) MeasuredValues[i]);   }      printf ("\n");    // reset the counter   TU1_ResetCounter(TU1_DeviceData);   // wait for some time to slow down output   while (TU1_GetCounterValue(TU1_DeviceData) < 50000) {} } Running the project The project can be run usual way. import the project into CodeWarrior for MCUs V10.5. Build the project Connect the FRDM-KL25 board Start debuging and run the code Run terminal application or use the Terminal view in eclpise. Set it to use the virtual serial port created for the board. The parameters should be set to 38400,no parity, 8 bits ,1 stopbit.
This tutorial will show step-by-step how to create a simple Processor Expert project that periodically toggles an output pin using a timer output without writing a single line of code. The FRDM-KL25 board is used with one of the LEDs (blue) connected to the Timer/PWM Module 0 (TPM0), channel 1. Timer Operation Description The Timer/PWM Module 0 (TPM0) provides (besides other features) a counter with variable period (modulo), compare register an output pin suitable for the goal of periodic toggling. The counter will be configured to continuously run in modulo range with a 300ms period, the output will be set when counter reaches the compare register value (150ms) and cleared when the counter resets. The following picture describes the operation: Creating the Project First, create a new project with Processor Expert for KL25 configured as described in the tutorial Creating Processor Expert Project for FRDM-KL25 Switch to Components Library view and its Categories tab and add the TimerUnit_LDD component from the category Logical Device Drivers / Timer by double-clicking on it or selecting pop-up menu command ‘Add to project’. The component appears in the Components view: Use the Rename component command from the TU1’s context menu and change the name to BlueLED. : Double click the component to open it in the inspector and configure the properties according to the following picture: Invoke code generation by clicking on the Generate Processor Expert Code button in the Components view of the project: The generated code is present in the Generated_Code folder of the project: Note: The generated code contains automatic initialization provided by Processor Expert configuring all needed registers, so it's not necessary to write any user code. Build the project using the Project / Build All. After the successful build, you can connect the FRDM-KL25 board and run the application by clicking the "Debug" icon and after the code gets loaded into the board the "Resume" button. The LED should start periodically blinking with blue color.
This tutorial shows a basic steps to create a CodeWarrior project with Processor Expert configured for the FRDM-KL25 board. The steps apply to CodeWarrior version 10.3 or newer. 1. In the CodeWarrior , go for [File | New | Bareboard Project]. 2. Type a project name such as e.g. KL25Z-PE” then click [Next] 3. In Devices page, please go to the line [Device or board to be used], type in part of the name our target device:  "kl25z" and select the final target device MKL25Z128 from the filtered list. Then click [Next]. 4. In the Connections window select only the [OpenSource SDA] connection type and click [Next]. Note: This is the on-board USB debug connection on FRDM-KL25. 5. In the Rapid Application Development select [Processor Expert] and click [Finish]. 6. The CodeWarrior Projects view contains a newly created project. Double-click the Processor file to ensure to see  the Processor Expert components from the project in the Component view. 7. In the Component view open the view menu (small down-heading arrow) and select Apply Board Configuration command 8. Click Browse… button and select FREEDOM-KL25Z / cpu / CPU_default.peb 9. Click Finish to confirm replacement of the default CPU component by the pre-configured one for the FRDM-KL25 board. Now the project is configured to run from on-board crystal at 48MHz. You can continue with adding components from the Components library view and configuring them in the Inspector or for example try the follow tutorial Toggling Pin on Kinetis Using a Timer Output .
The processor (CPU) component is automatically inserted to Processor Expert project at the time of its creation. It generates a code needed for very basic operation of the CPU and also a common initialization code for resources shared among the peripherals (like interrupt vectors table, clock control etc.). Clock settings The processor component is initially set to use no external clock sources (for example, crystal) and only one clock configuration is created. To adjust clock settings, use Component Inspector view to modify the properties in Clock settings and Clock configurations groups. Processor Expert instantly checks the timing of the whole project so the errors are reported if the timing settings are in conflict or cannot be reached. External bus and memory The processor component is initially set to use no external bus and only internal memory. To enable and configure external bus, use the Component Inspector view to modify the properties within the group External bus. The placement of individual data or code sections within the address space can be configured on the Build options tab of the Component Inspector. Importing Board Configuration The settings for the CPU can be imported from the file. If you are using standard Freescale board configurations, select the command File > Import… Then select Processor Expert / Apply Board Configuration. In the dialog that appears click Browse… button and look for a file with extension .peb at <CWInstallDir>\MCU\Processor_Expert\BoardConfigurations\<processor family>\<board name>\<module>. If your board is not available within the CodeWarrior installation, you can import the settings from other already configured project. In such case use the command File > Import… and then select Processor Expert / Component Settings to Project.
Importing Example Projects Select File > Import from CodeWarrior menu. The Import dialog appears. Select General / Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next. Select the Select root directory option and click Browse. Browse to the following location of CodeWarrior installation directory: <CWInstallDir>\MCU\CodeWarrior_Examples\Processor_Expert Select the folder containing the example projects if you want to import multiple projects, or the specific example project. Click OK. If you have selected the folder, the list of the example projects available in the folder appears in the Projects area. Check the checkbox adjacent to the project(s) you want to import. Select the Copy projects into workspace checkbox to create an independent copy of the project into the workspace. Click Finish. Tutorials and Tips Tutorials and tips are provided in a form of cheat-sheets. To access them, use the CodeWarrior menu Help > Cheat sheets… and select the CodeWarrior Processor Expert Features. Typical Component Usage Examples of using generated code can be found on Typical usage page of the components. This page is provided within a component help. To get this help use the component’s pop-up menu command Help on component or browse the component in the Processor Expert Components Manual within the CodeWarrior help system at CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V10.x > Processor Expert Manuals. The Typical usage page is available as a part of documentation for every LDD or high level component.
Importing Example Projects Select File > Import from CodeWarrior menu. The Import dialog appears. Select General / Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next. Select the Select root directory option and click Browse. Browse to the following location of CodeWarrior installation directory:        <PExDrv 10_0_2>\eclipse\ProcessorExpert\Projects Select the folder containing the example projects if you want to import multiple projects, or the specific example project. Click OK. If you have selected the folder, the list of the example projects available in the folder appears in the Projects area. Check the checkbox adjacent to the project(s) you want to import. Select the Copy projects into workspace checkbox to create an independent copy of the project into the workspace. Click Finish. Typical Component Usage Examples of using generated code can be found on Typical usage page of the components. This page is provided within a component help. To get this help use the component’s pop-up menu command Help on component or browse the component in the Components User Guide within the Eclipse help system at Processor Expert Software - Microcontrollers Driver Suite > Manuals. The Typical usage page is available as a part of documentation for every LDD or high level component.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) How to quickly start using Processor Expert in CodeWarrior? Where can I find Processor Expert examples and tutorials in CodeWarrior? How to configure the processor component to match my hardware? Product Information on Product Summary Page Documentation Downloads Trainings and Support Other Resources Processor Expert Tools in CodeWarrior 10.3 - Training Videos
Select the Help > Cheat sheets… from the CodeWarrior menu.   Unfold the CodeWarrior Processor Expert Features and select Processor Expert Basics for CodeWarrior for MCUs. Click OK. Click the Go to Creating Project link in the Processor Expert Basics and follow the shown steps.
Processor Expert Software is a development system to create, configure, optimize, migrate, and deliver software components that generate source code for Freescale silicon. The main features of PEx are: Extensive and comprehensive knowledgebase for all supported silicon encapsulating all pins, registers, etc. Silicon resource conflicts flagged at design time, allowing early correction Simple creation of peripheral drivers without reading silicon documentation Easy integration of an RTOS with peripheral drivers The generated drivers have a cross-platform API that allows easy migration among supported processors. The user builds an application or library using a wide range of basic building block called Embedded components covering all common tasks (for example, serial communication, timers, ADC, DAC, digital I/O etc.). These components can be configured in graphical user interface and Processor Expert generate a C source code of initialization and runtime control drivers of the processor and its peripherals. Processor Expert is available: Integrated with CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers As a standalone package called Microcontroller Driver Suite. It supports Kinetis and ColdFire+ microcontrollers. It does not include a compiler or linker and can be used with other non-CodeWarrior IDEs. Integrated with Kinetis Design Stuido (KDS) For more details, refer to the Freescale website
Since I want to use some settings of the provious project, I find there are two ways which both don't work. I select the "The LCD"  example project which locals in"\\\Freescale\CW MCU v10.3\MCU\CodeWarrior_Examples\Processor_Expert\Kinetis\TWR-K40X256\LCD". First gererate code,  build and run the project with success. Then I save the processor setting as template and add  it in a empty PE project from the "Component Library", Generate Processor Export code with error "Incorrect Tool Chain Select", I check the new project propeties and change the "Current toolchain" as "ARM  toolchain"  in correpondence with the previous project.  Regenerate the code , there still exit 9 errors in the _arm_start.cfile . Description Resource Path Location Type Undefined : "exit" __arm_start.c /PE_use_template/Project_Settings/Startup_Code line 287 C/C++ Problem Link failed. PE_use_template C/C++ Problem mingw32-make: *** [PE_use_template.elf] Error 1 PE_use_template C/C++ Problem Undefined : "__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1" PE_use_template line 0, external location: E:\CW_workspace\PE_use_template\RAM\Cpu_c.obj C/C++ Problem Undefined : "__call_static_initializers" __arm_start.c /PE_use_template/Project_Settings/Startup_Code line 251 C/C++ Problem Undefined : "__copy_rom_sections_to_ram" __arm_start.c /PE_use_template/Project_Settings/Startup_Code line 231 C/C++ Problem Undefined : "__init_registers" __arm_start.c /PE_use_template/Project_Settings/Startup_Code line 179 C/C++ Problem Undefined : "__init_user" __arm_start.c /PE_use_template/Project_Settings/Startup_Code line 257 C/C++ Problem Undefined : "memset" __arm_start.c /PE_use_template/Project_Settings/Startup_Code line 229 C/C++ Problem Second, when I use export "Component Setting"  there still exist the same problems. Can anyone give some hints or advice to this problem?:D
The Processor Expert Software Wiki provides useful “how to” and FAQ information not available on Freescale websites or  forums.  The links below provide useful design resources for Processor Expert product designers and users. Software Suites Component Exchange Integrated with CodeWarrior Tools Microcontroller Driver Suite QorIQ Configuration Suite QorIQ Optimization Suite Component Development Environment Freescale Components (buy now) Community Components (freeware) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Processor Expert Software Suites FAQs (coming soon) QorIQ Configuration Suite (coming soon) Component Development Environment FAQs (coming soon) Components Exchange FAQs (coming soon)
Product Information on Product Summary Page Documentation Downloads Buy/Specifications
Product Information on Product Summary Page Documentation Downloads Training Buy/Specifications Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Coming soon. Other Resources TBD
Product Information on Product Summary Page Documentation Downloads Training and support
Product Information on Product Summary Page Documentation Downloads Training Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Where can I find Processor Expert examples and tutorials in Driver Suite? How to configure the processor component to match my hardware? Adding Processor Expert to C Project (without SDK in PEx Driver Suite) Adding Processor Expert to C Project (with SDK in PEx Driver Suite) Application Notes AN4819 - Building a Project using IAR Eclipse Plugin - This application note provides steps to configure IAR Eclipse plugin and using Processor Expert (PEx) together with IAR build tool chain. AN4913  - Building and Debugging a project using Keil MDK-ARM Eclipse plug-in - This application note provides steps to configure Keil MDK-ARM Eclipse plug-in and using Processor Expert together with Keil build tool chain. Other Resources Processor Expert Tools in Microcontroller Driver Suite - Training Videos
It has finally been released the BETA version for the Double Data Rate RAM Memory Validation Tool (DDRv) for Processor Expert applications! What is this software all about? Well, it mainly helps you with the challenging tasks of tuning and cetering your settings when working with double data rate, so it enables your settings to work with multiple clock cycles. Explaining it furtherly, in the world of DDR, there are many settings for which the DDR will pass all tests and work on the test bench. However, a setting that worked on the test bench may be only 1/8 (or less) clock cycle from not working in your application, for example. This is what most of us would call a “skinny margin”. The DDRv tool will help you find all the settings that work, display them on a visual map allowing you to then select a setting that provides as much margin between working settings and non-working settings in your application. This process can be extremely difficult to do and generally requires specialized software running large exhaustive tests on very large memories. As you run these tests, you need to vary each setting against other varying settings – basically setting up a geometric progression that is very time consuming, complex and fraught with problems. Furthermore, you must track what worked, what didn’t work, and then have some way to make sense from all that data. But guess what? The DDRv tool does this for you! Of course this means saving time and efforts, making it all easier and quicklier! The features: Works seamlessly with Freescale QorIQ Configuration Suite Help you set the following VERY sensitive and VERY critical settings: Active termination values (Read and Write) Clock Adjust Value Clock Delay Value Select DDR tests to utilize Control ordering of testing Drill-down on errors Eclipse Plug-in ( Eclipse 3.6 and newer ) Wanna give it a try already? Follow this link and download the DDRV BETA!
If you are a CodeWarrior user and yet you don't own a License, this post will be of great use for you and your designs! You might be using Power Architecture technology and the QorIQ processors as well. If I'm just about right, I'll let myself introduce you to the new Optimization Suite for the QorIQ processors. The whole QorIQ Optimization Suite helps optimize your application by utilizing on-chip hardware from the QorIQ processor to provide enhanced levels of visibility of hundreds and hundreds of on chip hardware events, and the first included tool that you'll find in here will be the Scenarios Tool, which includes the following new interesting features: Extract measurement information with either :        Freescale TAP TCP/IP if running Freescale SDK with TCF connector enabled. See data as an average or as a time series Select subsets of data to plot or average Save sample data to review later Multiple windows to display multiple measurements Sampling Time Base Determined by Host computer Now that you know that it provides visibility by utilizing “measurement scenarios”, you'll no longer design "blindly" and you'll be able to test the potential of your creations right away. These measurement scenarios include CPU scenarios, memory and traffic scenarios, and DPAA and peripheral scenarios. The requirements: Host computer system requirements Microsoft® Windows® 7 Microsoft Windows Vista (SP2) (32-bit) Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional (SP3) 32 and 64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4, 32 and 64 Ubuntu 8.0.4, 32-bit, 9.10, 32 and 10.04, 64 SuSE 11, 32-bit (tested with 11.1) Target system requirements Compatible QorIQ Device (See “Supported Devices”) Connection Method ( you only need one of these ) Linux system running Freescale’s TCF connector. (Included in Freescale SDK for Supported Devices) Freescale USB TAP or Gigabit TAP Get more info within the Overview or get it started at once and download the Scenario tools for Windows! Rather Linux version?
If you are a CodeWarrior user and yet you don't own a License, this post will be of great use for you and your designs! You might be using Processor Expert and Power Architecture within the QorIQ processors. If I'm just about right, I'll let myself introduce you to the new Optimization Suite for the QorIQ processors. The whole QorIQ Optimization Suite helps optimize your application by utilizing on-chip hardware from the QorIQ processor to provide enhanced levels of visibility of hundreds and hundreds of on chip hardware events, and the first included tool that you'll find in here will be the Scenarios Tool, which includes the following new interesting features: Extract measurement information with either : Freescale TAP TCP/IP if running Freescale SDK with TCF connector enabled. See data as an average or as a time series Select subsets of data to plot or average Save sample data to review later Multiple windows to display multiple measurements Sampling Time Base Determined by Host computer Now that you know that it provides visibility by utilizing “measurement scenarios”, you'll no longer design "blindly" and you'll be able to test the potential of your creations right away. These measurement scenarios include CPU scenarios, memory and traffic scenarios, and DPAA and peripheral scenarios. The requirements: Host computer system requirements Microsoft® Windows® 7 Microsoft Windows Vista (SP2) (32-bit) Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional (SP3) 32 and 64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4, 32 and 64 Ubuntu 8.0.4, 32-bit, 9.10, 32 and 10.04, 64 SuSE 11, 32-bit (tested with 11.1) Target system requirements Compatible QorIQ Device (See “Supported Devices”) Connection Method ( you only need one of these ) Linux system running Freescale’s TCF connector. (Included in Freescale SDK for Supported Devices) Freescale USB TAP or Gigabit TAP Get more info within the Overview or get it started at once and download the Scenario Tools for Linux! Rather Windows version?
Training Videos Processor Expert - Introduction (Driver Suite) (Video 04:01) - Learn the Processor Expert UI, what components are, and how to add one to a project.. Processor Expert: Working with Components (Driver Suite) (Video 03:53) - Using Microcontroller Driver Suite, learn how to add, configure, and remove a component, and how to generate code. Processor Expert: The Code Model (Driver Suite) (Video 04:45) - Using Microcontroller Driver Suite, learn the answers to the questions: What code does Processor Expert generate? Where does it put the code? And how do I use it? Processor Expert: Creating an MQX Lite Project (Driver Suite) (Video 05:15) - Using Microcontroller Driver Suite, learn how to create an MQX Lite component from scratch. You'll also learn where Processor Expert puts the task functions and the RTOS code itself. Processor Expert: An MQX Lite Example (Driver Suite) (Video 04:39) - See how a full MQX Lite application works, how the tasks are implemented, and how they interact with other components in Microcontroller Driver Suite. Processor Expert: Exporting and Importing Templates (Driver Suite) (Video 03:56) - Learn how to export and import a file that can completely configure and generate the code required for an arbitrarily complex hardware and software system with Microcontroller Driver Suite. Processor Expert: Integrating with IAR Embedded (Video 06:22) - Learn how to incorporate Processor Expert's generated code into an IAR Embedded Workbench project. Processor Expert: Integrating with Keil Microvision (Video 04:54) - Learn how to incorporate Processor Expert's generated code into a Keil Microvision project.
Learn how to incorporate Processor Expert's generated code into an IAR Embedded Workbench project.