downloading to i.MX6q sabrelite board

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downloading to i.MX6q sabrelite board

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   how to download my application to i.MX6qsd board through processor expert.I had boot my board through yocto linux.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I'm so sorry, but it is not possible to use Processor Expert for downloading your application to any target board on i.MX.

If you're talking about the independent 'Processor Expert for i.MX v1.x' product, then it is intended for working on pin multiplexing configuration of i.MX apps processors only - it has no full SDK or IDE capability to connect with target HW or build & download application to any board.  If you're talking about Processor Expert (PEx) in general, integrated to some other SDK or IDE (KDS or KSDK), then this is not related to i.MX at all - i.MX apps processors are not supported by these PEx related tools.

For downloading bare metal application to target board on i.MX I'd recommend to use ARM DS-5 instead. I'm not very familiar with usage of yocto linux on i.MX, but maybe it could be somehow possible to download and run your own app using the linux environment... anyway, this is a question to yocto linux support, not Processor Expert, I'm really sorry.


Petr Zeman

PEx SW Engineer

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