I wish to run an an application that acts as a TCP Client to an IP Camera under MQX 3.8 on the TWR P1025 QorIQ MPU Tower System Module - the application having previously worked on the same board under QNX. I made the necessary code changes to get the code to compile but found it crashed when it encounters the socket command. I then minimised the code to isolate the socket command:
#include <mqx.h>
#include <bsp.h>
#include <rtcs.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <posix.h>
#include "config.h"
void main_task(uint_32);
#define TCP_CLIENT_PORT 50501
** MQX initialisation information
const TASK_TEMPLATE_STRUCT MQX_template_list[] =
/* Task Index, Function, Stack, Priority, Name, Attributes, Param, Time Slice */
{ 1, main_task, 6500, 8, "Main", MQX_AUTO_START_TASK, 0, 0 },
{ 0 }
void main_task(uint_32 temp) {
unsigned long sockfd = 0;
struct sockaddr_in client;
/* create socket */
sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
if (sockfd == RTCS_SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("Error creating socket %d\n",sockfd);
printf("Created Socket %d\n",sockfd);
I then stepped through the disassembly of the socket command:
RTCS_socket: |
04016880: stwu rsp,-32(rsp)
04016884: mflr r0
04016888: li r3,1
0401688c: li r6,0
04016890: li r7,0
04016894: li r8,0
04016898: stw r0,36(rsp)
0401689c: stw r31,28(rsp)
040168a0: mr r31,r4
040168a4: mr r5,r31
040168a8: lis r4,512
040168ac: bl RTCS_log (0x40165b8) | ; 0x040165B8 |
040168b0: li r3,0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
040168b4: bl _task_get_td (0x400d8c4); 0x0400D8C4
040168b8: mr r4,r3
040168bc: mr r3,r31
and found it to crash at the instruction indicated.
Have I failed to initialise something? Is there an example of the use of a TCP Client on the TWR P1025 QorIQ MPU Tower System Module?
After further investigation I found I needed to call RTCS_create() this cured the problem.