Below is a detailed explanation of 32 address signals for the eLBC implementation on P2040:
LAD[0:15] - these are multiplexed address/data signals that need to be externally latched using the LALE signal.
LA[16:31] - these are dedicated address signals.
LAD[0] is the most significant address signal and LA[31] is the least significant address signal.
FCM can support two devices, each one is connected to a separate /CS.
> LAD[0] is the most significant address signal and LA[31] is the least significant address signal.
I am working on P2020 design. Is above description the same for P2020?
(and I am wondering why most significant address signal is indexed as 0)
And can you clarify correspondence between LWE#0/LWE#1 and LAD[0:7]/LAD[8:15]?
Yes, it's the same for P2020. According to figure 12-33 in P2020RM.pdf LWE0 is for LAD[0:7].
Thank you, Liang-san.