can you please let us know if customer can use TJF1051T/3/CM with physical chip marking F51/3C as they previously received parts under this MPN but with F1051/3C marking.
They are confused with TJF1051T/3/CM "CM" and different marking on the chip "F51/3C" and "F1051/3C". See the attached.
Thanks Jiri Holas Arrow Electronics
Hi Owen,
There are three versions of the TJA1051 available, the only difference is in pin 5 which is either an enable control input (EN), a VIO supply pin or is not connected:
The TJA1051T/E is the one with EN pin. The TJA1051T does not have the EN pin and the transition to „CM“ is explained in the attached PCN.
The EN pin on the TJA1051T/E selects the Off mode. In this mode the entire transceiver is disabled, allowing the MCU to save power when CAN communication is not required. The bus pins are floating in Off mode, making the transceiver invisible to the rest of the network. If you are not using this mode, the TJA1051T/E can be replaced by TJA1051T/CM with pin 5 not connected.
Best regards,
Hi Owen,
Technically there is no difference.
It is used to identify this device as the dual source version of the device, we internally manufacture this device at two FAB locations in order to give our end customer built in dual sourcing.
Best regards,