There is a problem here. 1078 is configured with rising edge wake-up, but the rising edge occurred while sleeping, and missed the rising edge, resulting in inability to wake up.
What is the hardware wake-up principle for WSE configuration 0 or 1?, Will the power consumption be much higher when configured as sampling continuously?
i have same problem,random wake-up failed
Hello Kai,
In order to better understand the issue you are facing, could you please share part of the schematic around the WAKE pins and their SW configuration (WBC, WSEx, WICx bits)?
If you have an oscilloscope, could you share the voltage on the WAKE pin you are using during the transition?
The functionality of WAKE pins is described either in the datasheet (Chapter 6.9) or in the AH1002 Application Hints which can be downloaded from the following website:
Best regards,