S32 Design Studio for S32 Plaform 3.5 License Missing

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S32 Design Studio for S32 Plaform 3.5 License Missing

216 次查看
Contributor II
Open the project project with S32KDS 3.5, and it prompts that the license missing. Maybe it's because I reinstalled the system, but when I reactivated it with the license, it prompts the following error. What should I do? Reinstall the software? 1.jpg2.jpg
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8 回复数

205 次查看
Contributor II
After uninstalling the original program and reinstalling it, I installed and activated it online using the license I received in the previous email. However, the installation failed and the following malfunctions occurred, and the installation with administrator privileges still occurred
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195 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ean 

Based on the log file looks like the installer is not able to write some files on the hard drive. It may be because of OS privileges and limitations. Are you installing the S32DS as an administrator?




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179 次查看
Contributor II
Yes, I am running in administrator mode, and I enter the corresponding folder to run cllSvrUtilty.exe in administrator mode, but it also cannot be executed.
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167 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ean 

It appears you are attempting to install S32 Design Studio 3.5 onto Windows 11. Could you please confirm this information? 

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146 次查看
Contributor II
Yes, the computer I'm using is WINDOWS 11, but my other colleagues were able to install it successfully and consulted the company's IT department, and there were no special permission restrictions on the computer, so I'm wondering if it's because some files couldn't be deleted due to uninstallation, making it impossible to reinstall
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129 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ean 

As the installation on Windows 11 is not officially supported there are some suggestions from what has been observed from customers who have successfully achieved this. You can refer to the S32DS installation error.

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21 次查看
Contributor II
I have tried all the methods inside, but still cannot solve the problem of installation failure
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17 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ean 

Just to make sure, did you follow all the installation steps as described in the following document?

S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Installation User Guide

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