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Contributor I
I make military spare and repair parts.   One old item uses the MC6821.  I have been trying my best to understand how this  thing gets addressed and the app's sheets are written as narrative like a text book for those who already know how to use it..... which makes it valueless to me.

     What I need to do is very simple for test purposes only.   I need to make both of the  ports outputs and then write a square wave into them at about 1 second rate.


    I have an ATE system that I can use to set up data lines and write pulses and the like.   I just have no experience in using the MC6821.    Is there anyone who can give me the a simple explanation like... put this word on the data bus, pulse the enable, then put this on the data bus, pulse the enable, and so on so I can use the ATE to generate the square waves I need.   I can do all the ATE programming, but this MC6821 has me stumped on how to use it.         H E L P    M E  ....  S O M E B O D Y

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Contributor I
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Contributor I
I do appreciate that you took the time to respond.   I think I need to make myself clearer than I had before.   I am almost exclusively involved with small microcontrollers like the Microchip PIC series and the Intel line like the older 8085 structures.    I have NEVER used a PIA before.

    When you saythings like "write a 0D to the control register" it is virtually meaningless to me because I don't know the proceedure.   This is a very confusing chip for the novice to pick up.    I've been doing micro's for quite a while, but this data sheet stuff is written as if one plumber is telling another plumber how to install a sink.    Both plumbers pretty much know how to do it already.    I need someone to help me as if the plumber was telling a shoe salesman how to install a sink.

    I there a way for anyone to write simple instructions like;

1- put [0d] on the data bus

2- pulse the [e] line

3- put [14] on the data bus

4- pulse the [e] line


and so on.      What I want to do is simply make both ports output ports.  I need to then succeccively write all 1's and then all 0's to both ports.    THAT'S IT!


I have no familiarity with, or access to any motorola 6800 equipment, but my ATE can create any 8 bit word I need and any kind of positive/negative pulses and address lines you tell me to create.


I feel like such an A-Hole because I've beeen going over the data sheet again and again, and I can't grasp how you address different registers that have the same address.


When I finally see how it's done I know I'll feel even worse, but my back is against the wall because I have to ship this controller board to the U.S. Army, and my time is just about all gone.

                 Can someone please help me. 

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