How to get ISO14443 card information via pn5180?

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How to get ISO14443 card information via pn5180?

Contributor I

I am using pn5180. I got the ISO14443 card UIDs using stm32f103. I am trying to get Card no, expired date, and name of the card user (if exists) contactlessly. But I've couldn't make it. I have sent the PPSE command. But in return, I have only 0xFF. Also, if I don't transmit something I have 0xFF. So there is no response to my PPSE command. I am open to any suggestions. Here is my code on the attachment.


Thank you for your time.

2 Replies

Contributor I

Hello! Did you manage to complete make PPSE-command and read correct answer? Now I have the same trouble—get only 0XFF in answer. Are you fixed this problem? Can you help? Thanks!

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @winterGrey ,

Hope you are doing great, in this case I cannot comment much on the topic since you are not using an NXP device is very hard for me to know if this is related to the host communication or not, if you have an NXP board maybe you can test this using the host already in the board. 

some comments that might be helpful for you are:

- please confirm you first send the type of the tag you want to activate is it a Type 2 tag (T2T) or a type 4 tag (T4T) ? both start with the same sequence, the difference in the activation is that the T2T is not going to support the  layer 4 since T2T communication is  106kbps you do not have a way to modify it, in the layer 4 it is possible for  T4T  with the PPSE you can select some parameters available in the ATS received from the card.

as general explanation not very detailed, the process would be to send the REQA and receive ATQA, then start the anticollision and receive the UID and SAK. if this is a T4T you should proceed with the layer 4 activation which is  by sending the RATS and receiving the ATS then sending the PPS to select the best parameters for you.  in the ATS you can find some information like data rates, frame size, some historical bytes , etc.  

Hope this information is helpful, if you have any question please let me know, please remember we are limited on the host since this is not our device we do not know how it works.



