OpenSource BDM - new devices supported?

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OpenSource BDM - new devices supported?

Contributor I
Does anyone have a list of which 9S08 devices are supported by the OSBDM?
(ie - will it support the new RS08 or 908JW devices)
I know Freescale needs to issue new header files for each device, but is it Codewarrior that limits new device support or is it a change to the OSBDM commands and dlls?
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18 返答(返信)

Contributor I

you can check out a list of 9S08 devices at This website belongs to Premier Farnell, sells a lot of electronics components:smileyvery-happy:

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Contributor I
Not sure if i have the right thread for this Qn.
I have ordered a DEMO9RS08KA2 demo board for the RS08KA1/2 micro for a current project.    I was wondering if the BDM interface on this demo board can be used for S08 or other RS08 parts with BDM interface.
ie. can I use the  BDM cable from the DEMO9RS08KA2 board BDM and use it for other RS08 or R08 micro's ?
I have never used the BDM interface before (only used MONO8) and note that there is a opensource BDM design on this site.  If the DEMO board BDM interface is operationally the same, and as the DEMO board is fairly cheap, then hopefully I can use it for other R(S)08 parts that I may need to use later?    It comes with a Codewarrior etc CD which I am hoping supports other R(S)08 parts also?
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Senior Contributor II
No you can't and the answer has been in the thread you posted for 2 months.
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Contributor I
Thanks for reply.  
I don't know what you mean by answer is in this thread?  Perhaps I can't see the wood for the trees, but I am afraid I can't see it.
It seems then, that for every part in the 9R(S)08 family, you need a separate DEMO board to program it?   I understand that there are BDM type products from various vendors available but cost is high (in Australia) when evaluating BDM capable micro's for a product. Even DEMO boards are costly here. I had assumed that the BDM interface on a DEMO board could be used on other BDM capable parts. Perhaps the host software in the PC would be different, but the BDM hardware is not the same?
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Senior Contributor II
Hi Glenn,

The writer of OSBDM indicates that it does not support RS08 OpenSource BDM - new devices supported?. It needs to be upgraded

From what I understood in his post, the main problem is not really the BDM but more the Vpp (high voltage for Flash).

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Contributor I
Hi Alban,
I guess perhaps, my question is not actually directly related to the OSBDM thread, but what Freescale supplies as the DEMO kits for various parts. 
To buy a demo kit in Australia, requires a minimum order of 5 units if the kit is not stocked, which they rarely are. Then add currency conversions, freight, duties and dealer margins. This is a not a cheap exercise and my intention was to find if i could adapt one DEMO kit to program other parts with the BDM port on the kits. 
I am only putting my toe in the water here because i have never used a BDM part before and to be honest, I am not totally up with the OSBDM either.  I had thought that the DEMO9RS08KA2 has a BDM on it and I could use it as above.
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Specialist III
Hello Glenn,
If you are just starting out, the 9RS08 device may not be the best choice.  These are intended for very high volume production, and do not have the same on-chip resources as the 9S08 devices.  I believe the latter may be a better choice, perhaps the 9S08QG8.  It is also possible for the DEMO9S08QG8 board to provide the BDM interface connections to be used external to the board (by fitting a 6-pin header and removing the on-board MCU from its socket).  This should be suitable for programming other 9S08 parts (but not the 9RS08 because of the external programming voltage requirement).  It is also possible that this board would be more readily available.
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Contributor I
Thanks Mac,
good advice and i will look at them. I note that our local distributor has the DEMO for that part at $143 + shipping.  The part itself is about $6 (small QTY) and looks very interesting and I think I may go that way.  With so many devices available its sometimes hard to take in all the info and compare them.
Thanks again
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Senior Contributor IV
Hi Glenn,
I agree with Mac (or he is agreeing with me)
Have looked here:
cheaper and in stock.
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Contributor I
Ordered the DEMO9S08QG8 last night and delivered this morning from Farnell as you suggested.   All up, with GST and delivery, runs to AU$149.70.  Bought a few devices also.  I hope i can try the BDM later with other 9S08 parts as per my original query. 
I am not sure if the Software supplied will handle other parts in the family.  Codewarrior. I only use Assembler so have a learning curve with codewarrior also. I see that I can't use my WINIDE .asm files as is, they need some changes. Thats a pity.
Thanks to all who helped out.
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Specialist III
Hello Glenn,
What assembler do you currently use?  I have previously converted files intended for CASM08 (P&E) to CW assembler format.  At the assembly level, the HCS08 is backward compatible with the HC08 (the HCS08 has a few additional instructions).
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Contributor I
Hello Mac
i use casmo8 also in WINIDE.   Is there a utility to convert to CW format?    I must say i have little idea of CW.   Starting an assembler project etc. Just spent a few minutes thi morning. Quite a bit too learn it seems.  Pity CW don't make a dedicated version for us Assembler users, not primarily "C" users.
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Specialist III
Hello Glenn,
I don't know of any conversion utility.  Have a look at the following old thread, where some of the assembler issues are discussed.
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Contributor I
Thanks Mac,
interesting stuff there and will persue assembler with CW but tried to install CW and find that theres no registration number or whatever in the DEMO9S08QG8 package. No card included in the package as susggested by the wb site.   
 Very frustrating to spend a fair chunk of dollars and have the CD's (all 4 of them) but cannot try it. Emailed Freescale/CW help but no reply as yet. Could be time difference to Australia, hopefully.
I may look at using something like Visual Basic to write a program to do a conversion from P&E to CW. Not sure how complex conversion is though right now.
I also saw somewhere theres a OSBDM available from Freescale? in something called Evalu8?
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Specialist III
Hello Glenn,
Did you sort out your registration problems yet?  The should be a file licence.dat somewhere in the CW installation.  Check the contents of this file.  The licence for the Special Edition should allow compiling of C programs up to 16K code size, but there is also a limit to the number of files allowed.  I believe there is no limitation on the size of programs written in assembler.
My experience was that, without the SE licence, CW would still run, but with a limit of 1K of code (C or assembler).  I am currently running version 5.0 - not sure if version 5.1 is any different.
There is no need for OSBDM with the DEMO9S08QG8 board, since the BDM hardware is already incorporated on the board.
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Contributor I
Hi Mac,
Success. I emailed Metrowerks and they sent me a licence. Before, it would not run the demo program as it was over 1k.     Ok Now.
I also picked up a "(R)S08 Evalu8 tool" which is apparently a OSBDM in disguise?   That runs OK. Has a RS8KA2 in  a proto area on it.  It needed a DLL file for CW to use it.
The Code Warrior environment though is quite a learning curve. Will take some time to adapt from  PE Micro WINIDE.
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Contributor II
I don't understand why you are spending so much for a HCS08 BDM.
Witztronics has one for $49.
It doesn't support the RS08 either because of Vpp.
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Contributor III
Brian -
The OSBDM will work with all the S08's that were in the original CodeWarrior 5.0 release. The firmware and DLL's are generic and don't need to be changed to support new S08's. But you're right that the limiting factor after that is the support built into the CodeWarrior releases and patches. An important piece of the support from CodeWarrior are the programming files (.fpp). At the moment, no new fpp's are being released for new S08's. The CodeWarrior team is working on integrating support for OSBDM directly into the product so that OSBDM will appear as one of the target hardware devices and you won't have to go through the "set GDI" step. After that, they will release fpp's for the new parts that have been released since 5.0. (OSBDM works with CW5.1 - it's just the list of supported devices is what was in CW 5.0)
The HC908's don't have a BDM interface so no HC908's are supported via OSBDM.
The RS08's require an external programming voltage for the flash. You might have noticed all the unused circuitry on the pc board for the current OSBDM. This was the planned support for the RS08. Unfortunately, there is a fatal flaw in the implementation on the current pc board. I have a new design for that support circuitry, but I haven't generated a new layout yet. I did kludge up the new circuit on the old board (it isn't pretty). The CodeWarrior team has these prototypes to develop support for both the original OSBDM and this new version. When I get a moment, I'll be doing a new layout of the pc board.
This new version will work with both S08's and RS08's.
- Rocky 
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