NXP FTF 2016 - 培训演示

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NXP FTF 2016 - Training Presentations


Automotive applications based on modern processor technology require more complex hardware design than traditional microcontroller solutions: volatile and non-volatile memories are provided external to the device and multiple power supplies are required. This session provides a guide to developing a hardware platform using the S32V234 processor as an example. Topics covered include: power supply design considerations, memory layout and technology, camera and display connectivity, fast interface technology and serial bus physical interfaces. Watch Video Presentation
This session introduces the standard and low cost development boards for the S32V234 automotive vision processor. The session includes an overview of the features of the processor and the platform with development hands-on exercises for the processor using a Linux platform and vision software development kit.
This session will cover the different vision processing capabilities of the S32V234 automotive vision processor with a focus on the Image Sensor Processor (ISP). The presentation will demonstrate how the cost of a vision system can be cut down by using the ISP to accept raw camera input data and to process it using algorithms like debayering, white balancing, format conversion, HDR and de-noising. The aim of the session is to give an introduction to camera processing, to present the architecture of the ISP and to demonstrate how it can be programmed using a visual tool developed by NXP.
There is an increasing number of high/ultra high speed drives required by the industry. The theory offers the rules how to drive fast motors, however not all them are easily applicable in the real word. The significant issue is that the rules requires a pretty powerful device to be enough fast to control fast motors. The presentation offers the comparison of the theory with the experiences out of the customer project targeting the high speed motors controlled by a less powerful devices, where the less powerful controller is a pretty challenge within the overall task.
This hands-on workshop will help you get started with our latest MAC57D5xx processor for instrument cluster and human machine interfaces together with the recent release of MQX. Practical use cases will be demonstrated and exercised during this hands-on workshop session.
Learn the benefits and advantages of our MAC57D5xx product family, targeted for instrument cluster and industrial human machine interface applications.
As more and more individuals acquire automobiles and city populations increase, road way congestion worsens year-by-year. Traffic Congestion results in billions of dollars in lost productivity: individuals are confined to hours upon hours of menial vehicle operation in stop-go conditions. Solution: Advances in NXP's ADAS Radar, Vision, and V2X technologies can alleviate congestion and regain lost productivity - 1) reducing personal stress, 2) improving commuter productivity, and 3) reducing traffic accidents. The session will show how controlling driver response variance, (e.g. making acceleration, deceleration, and minimum safe driving distance constant), relieves congestion jamming conditions. The session concludes with a mapping of ADAS DSRC features to NXP devices. Watch Video Presentation
NXP provides functional and performance relevant models to assist users with software and hardware co-development. Functional SystemC models enable software development early in the program life cycle with a full mapping of SoC MCU components such as CPU cores, peripherals, interrupt controllers, and hardware accelerators. This session will highlight an ADAS vision processor and how the customer can develop software on the virtual model. Hands-on session will teach customers the basics of compiling software, loading the object image file, executing code on the virtual model and measuring relative performance. This is a partner session with NXP and Synopsys.executing code on the virtual model and measuring performance. This is a partner session with NXP and Synopsys.
Combining traditional MCU features with high voltage analog components in a single chip saves you system cost. An integral solution that improves quality and reduces footprint. This is an overview of the S12 MagniV MCU family for closure solutions such as window lift, sunroof, and sliding doors.
This is an overview of the next generation S32K microcontrollers family and the system solution benefits using the latest MCU features. Watch Video Presentation
Get up and running in minutes with the NXP S32K platform using the S32 SDK and S32 Design Studio. This hands-on session will introduce the full flexibility and capability of the S32 SDK package, outlining the excellent out-of-the-box experience, ease of use and shorter time to market. Attendants will learn how to use it in correlation with S32 Design Studio IDE to quickly create suitable applications for general-purpose use-cases, running through all the development steps (installation, software configuration & RTOS integration, inserting application code and target debug).
Aimed to be a hands-on the exercise would consist in using a vision processor to run CNN on various pictures to recognize traffic signals (Stop, Turn, Yield, etc). First we will cover basic concepts on machine learning for the algorithms to be used. After the class part is over, we will use a vision processor to run CNN to recognize between traffic signs and no traffic signs.
Cars depend on a range of systems that must guarantee safety for their drivers. Linux and Open Source have already entered the infotainment segment, but expanding to ADAS presents new challenges with regards to safety and change control. This session will provide an overview of the internals of the kernel, the safety-critical components, implementation of fault recovery mechanisms and finally how open source software can be used for Autonomous Drive applications. Watch Video Presentation
This session reviews the updates to the existing Linux Software Development Kit (SDK) which allows for the enablement of the Blue Box software feature set. Custom layers, simplified deployment, support for multiple SoCs in one set-up, a graphical desktop, package management, self-hosting support and other additions will be described in technical detail. Options to further enhance the configuration will also be discussed. Software engineers interested in Yocto customizations should not miss this session.
NXP supplies cutting edge hardware and software tools for ADAS development. The software algorithm developer will encounter a heterogeneous tool environment that may prove to be challenging. In this session, we will walk through NXP's enablement offerings for ADAS algorithm development and explain how to use these tools to implement a sensor input data path for Blue Box. This session will review the heterogeneous tool landscape, including AUTOSAR drivers, Inter-Core Communication and PCIe on S32V, as well as LS2 Root Complex Driver and LS2 Linux data management of critical safety data. Attendees will leave with a clear picture of how to leverage NXP's tools in ADAS development.
We will provide an overview of the device feature set and capabilities including: Detailed block diagram, image processing block descriptions, vision pipeline, power supply and external hardware requirements. Also we will review the available hardware and software tools, Lauterbach debugger use, key points, tips and tricks to ease the development process.
The standard CAN protocol has been extended into CAN Flexible Data (FD) to provide higher bandwidth while keeping the physical characteristics that have made it the most popular automotive in-vehicle communications protocol . This presentation will provide an overview of the changes to the standard as well as address the challenges faced while rolling out and implementing the technology. Watch Video Presentation
The modern car has already gone beyond a simple mode of transportation to a platform for connectivity. The challenges of balancing performance and cost have the new requirement to meet security as the car becomes connected to the rest of the world. This class will review the security implications for CAN communications. The class will walk through a hands-on connecting a CAN network of two MPC5748G devices via secure CAN communications. Leveraging the SHE firmware on the MPC5748G HSM. CAN messages with be signed before transmission and authenticated on the receiving end using CMAC and AES-128.
NFC enables new interfaces and use cases in the Automotive domain, such as car access and start, vehicle personalization, quick and easy connectivity and secure payment. In this session we will cover NFC working principles, NFC enabled use cases, like smartphone vehicle access and secure simple pairing, and the challenges for NFC in Automotive applications. A demo will illustrate the working principles of NFC based car access. Watch Video Presentation
With new CAN FD protocol, CAN applications need to support both classical CAN and CAN FD frames. Especially in transition period, customers are looking for a solution in which classical CAN frames are mixed with CAN FD frames. NXP developed a brand new CAN transceiver feature "CAN FD Shield", which enables the use of CAN controllers in mixed CAN / CAN FD architectures. Watch Video Presentation