Porting NXP-NCI Library to FRDM-KE15Z for PN7150/OM5578 Use

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Porting NXP-NCI Library to FRDM-KE15Z for PN7150/OM5578 Use

Contributor I

I am looking to compile the NXP-NCI library for the PN7150/OM5578 to port to the FRDM-KE15Z dev kit. The KE15Z shares the same Arduino headers as the FRDM-K64F.

I have tried to work from the FRDM_K64F sample documentation, but the porting guidelines result in flashing errors.

Attempted fixes:

Opened FRDM-K64F NXP-NCI sample provided here in SW4325. In project-> properties-> c/c++ build -> MCU settings, changing to FRDM-KE15Z SDK downloaded from MCUExpresso SDK builder (with all toolchains included). This results in errors during flashing process, see below. Otherwise, this will compile.

Flashing Error:

driver "ChecksumSectors" error 'Ef(38): Flash operation has returned an error (see log)' return code: 0x0
There was a problem after a flash driver operation timed out, so we are going to compare the flash driver code with the memory where it was loaded.
Note that, after driver initialization, some difference is normal in 'generic' drivers.

Driver from AXF file:
20000654: 3030204b 46544620 65472045 6972656e K 00 FTFE Generi
20000664: 4b342063 00000000 00000000 00000000 c 4K............
20000674: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
20000684: 00000000 ....
Driver code in memory:
20000654: 3531454b 46544620 65472045 6972656e KE15 FTFE Generi
20000664: 4b342063 00000000 20000688 20000654 c 4K....... T..
20000674: 00000000 00000000 0000000d 00000400 ................
20000684: 00000004 ....
driver "EraseSector" timeout (3000 ms) PC: 1C000FE4

Build SDK sample for FRDM-KE15Z, transfer relevant files from FRDM-K64F NXP-NCI sample including tools, TML, NFC reader library, and making suggested changes/additions from the AN11990 document (section 6) to board.h and other relevant files. This results in a large number of compilation related errors in the 

Misc Thoughts:

Is LPI2C on the KE15Z a potential blocker to communicating with the PN7150?

Are there additional changes that need to be made to the K64F sample that I am missing to be able to flash to the KE15Z?

Is there a simpler method by which I can deploy the NXP-NCI library onto the KE15Z?

Any direction/tips would be much appreciated!



BlackNight‌ - tagged as I've seen quite a few samples provided on your Github for the K64F

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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Some of the first things I would like to ask is if you are using MCUXpresso, which SDK you are using as a base? The migration to the KE how was developed ? Was it only changing the properties o the project ? Or did you modified as well the drivers? 



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Contributor I


I am trying to leverage the existing Nxp-Nci example provided with the PN7150/OM5578 dev kit. Starting a new project in MCUExpresso with a KE15 freertos_lpi2c sample from above SDK as baseline, moving relevant files to the KE15 project from the K64F sample, such as nfc_task, ndef_helper, NfcReaderLibrary, tools and TML folders. As KE15 has LPI2C instead of I2C, making necessary changes in TML files for adjustments to variable naming to map to KE15. The relevant files moved from K64F sample to KE15 baseline were added to "Includes" in project settings. Preprocessors flags updated as per AN11990 documentation, as well as adding the NxpNci definitions to board.h as referenced in the same doc

The only compilation errors I have left (at least so far as I can tell at this point) are: pastedImage_2.png

Not quite sure what the remaining issue is as the code is unchanged from the Nxp-Nci example, but the function stubs are present in Nfc.h and declarations are present in NxpNci library - unchanged from the functioning sample code on K64F. With these errors, I feel I likely missed a step in moving files over

Getting it to compile for KE15Z would at least be a step in the right direction, flashing/testing will be a whole different story

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


This request is being managed internally.


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