PN7150 polling timeout when nRF52 tag does not service NFC peripheral

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PN7150 polling timeout when nRF52 tag does not service NFC peripheral

Contributor I


I am using a PN7150 that is generating a NFC field and communicating with a nRF52 part acting as a tag. 

Sometimes I use the PN7150 to issue a command to tell the nRF52 to do a command that blocks handling of its NFC peripheral for ~200ms. It then seems like the PN7150 is timing out and disabling the NFC field. Our nRF52 part is reporting a FIELD_LOST event once it gets back to servicing the NFC peripheral

Am I correct: does the PN7150 have a timeout where it will turn off the NFC field if a tag does not respond within a certain time period? Is the PN7150 periodically sending a polling ping? Is there a way to increase this timeout? It's causing problems for us when the field is turned off.

A 3rd party has implemented the PN7150 and I don't have a background with NFC, so it's a bit hard for me to understand the user manual or know the correct terminology.

Thank you for any help, I am happy to provide more details to get more support


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5 返答(返信)

Contributor I

Hello, does anyone from NXP have an answer for this question?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @mszekely 

Or could you share your project source code with us? 

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @mszekely 

"Sometimes I use the PN7150 to issue a command to tell the nRF52 to do a command that blocks handling of its NFC peripheral for ~200ms. It then seems like the PN7150 is timing out and disabling the NFC field." -> Could you tell us what command you sent to PN7150? Can I share this NCI command?

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Contributor I

Hi Kelly, thanks for replying

I am only need information about the behavior of the PN7150, I can debug the rest.

Does the PN7150 have a timeout where it will turn off the NFC field if a tag does not respond within a certain time period? Is the PN7150 periodically sending a polling ping? Is there a way to increase this timeout, like with a register?

For example, I see these poll mode configuration registers, will they help me increase this timeout?


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @mszekely 

In fact, your problem requires debugging. Since your code and hardware are designed by you, it is hard for us to help you debug. We recommend that you refer to our routines to debug your code. The attachments are routines based on different MCUs, it is recommended that you refer to them.


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