Hi, I'm trying to interface an MFRC522 to a microcontroller using the SPI interface. Despite reading through the datasheet for this device I still cannot figure out the sequence of commands that I need to give in order to be able to use this device (initi

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Hi, I'm trying to interface an MFRC522 to a microcontroller using the SPI interface. Despite reading through the datasheet for this device I still cannot figure out the sequence of commands that I need to give in order to be able to use this device (initi

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Contributor I

I need to know the sequence of commands that the MFRC522 is expecting from the micro, from start-up, before it can read the RFID tag and allow me to read the data.

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809 次查看
Contributor I


You can reference the source code for RC522 made for Arduino

GitHub - miguelbalboa/rfid: Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522

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