Change Keys and "lock" NTAG DNA 424

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Change Keys and "lock" NTAG DNA 424

7,932 次查看
Contributor III


Thanks to jonathaniglesias‌, i was now able to configure the NTAG 424 DNA with encrypted-part and CMAC-part ( and also build my own backend ( in order to be able to verfiy the cmac that is provide in the URL



Now comes the last step of my NTAG 424 DNA configuration and verification process, which is:

- changing the keys from default to custom keys

- locking the tag so that NO further changes can be done to the tag


Until now i only used the default keys 00000000000000000000000000000000 or empty keys for testing purposes in my backend and on my tag.

My backend basically uses two keys for now, both have the value 00000000000000000000000000000000. Let's call these two keys: 

- KeyDec: I am using this key to decrypt the encoded query parameter "e" which gives me the ctr and uid in plaintext afterwards

- KeyCmac: I am using this key to generate the session key with the help of the uid and the ctr value (from the process above), and afterwards I am able to get the CMAC in order to be able to compare my calculate CMAC with the CMAC from the URL (the "c" query param from the url above).


Until now i have not changed any of my keys on the tag and the configuration looks like this:



Let us assume now that I want to use:

00000000000000000000000000000001 as value for my KeyDec


00000000000000000000000000000002 as value for my KeyCmac


What are the exact steps that i need to perform in the TagXplorer and in which order to achieve, that my backend would now successfully validate the tag with the new keys? (please with screenshots if possible :smileyhappy: )



Let us assume that the question above has been solved, how can i now (as a final step) protect my tag in a way that none of these keys can be read anymore from the tag and that also no data changes can be done anymore to the tag, so that the tag is ready to be used on a product in order to proof product authenticity?

Thank you (jonathaniglesias‌)

Btw: Thank you so much Jonathan for your great help at any time :smileyhappy:


标记 (4)
12 回复数

4,389 次查看
Contributor I

Following the topic, do I have to have the master key at the back end to do the verification? Can I use a private key in the tag and a public key to verify?

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4,390 次查看
Contributor I

Following the topic, do I have to expose the master key to the backend when verifying the authentication? Is there a way that I can put the private key inside the chip, and give the public key to the backend which might be my partners (I don't want to expose the private key to them)?

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7,754 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Manuel Mertl,

ok here we have two topics,  first on the key changing. the right process is the following:

1.- authenticate with masterkey


2.-change key 01 


3.- authenticate again with masterkey as step 1

4.- change key 2


it is important that you know the information of the key inside the tag, if you happen to change the key in the past and you put the wrong key in the  fields this will lead to the error that happened to you. 

 for example after this process tried to change again  the key 02 with the incorrect values  and this is wrong and will lead you to the 911e error.


for the encryption and decryption process the best would be to use the Application note NTAG 424 DNA and NTAG 424 DNA TagTamper features and hints ,4.3 section to understand the SDM Session Key Generation.

and the 4.4.2 PICCData Encrypted mirror to understand the encryption/decryption process.

let me know if you still have issues!

Have a nice day !



7,754 次查看
Contributor III

Hi, jonathaniglesias‌.

I think i solved the first part of my question.

I did it in the following way:

  1. authenticate master key 00
  2. set key 01 to value 00000000000000000000000000000001
  3. authenticate master key 00
  4. set key 02 to value 00000000000000000000000000000002

and then i am using the following configuration to calculate the new encrypted value (ctr+uid) as well as the cmac value



the resulting encrypted value (ctr+uid) in the url as well as the cmac in the url are matching the values calculated by my backend, so that is fine now.


My next questions is regarding "locking" the tag:

So my tag is now configured and working, it gives me the correct values that my backend accepts for the given two keys. In the last step I want to make sure that nobody can ever read the keys from the tag or change any data in any way to stop the NFC-tag from working, so I want to prevent any data/key changes to the tag.

is it enough to do the following, as you described in your reply above:


or should i also change here some values, since they are all set to 0E.


So once again, now that everything is working correctly the goal is to lock the tag and make it impossible for anyone to change data and keys again or read any of the keys ever again, since its meant to be used as product authentictiy solution.

Thank you so much jonathaniglesias


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7,754 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

 please make the change on the CC file and set the rights of the  NDEF file you can set it to read as "0E" for free reading access but  would be good you set other access to masterkey so only you have this keys and be able to modify something. 

 if you set something to "0F"it means no access. 


like the image above. 



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7,754 次查看
Contributor III

thank you jonathaniglesias


why do we have to leave the Read Access Key set to 0E instead of 00 like the other 3 acces right key here ?

I guess i have to make the change to the CC file as the very last step, correct?

So first setting the 4 access rights like above 0E, 00, 00, 00, then changing the key 00 to something that i dont have to remember because i never ever want anyone including myself to be able to change data again, and then do the CC File change?


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7,754 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

1) this is because the main purpose of this is that the phone does not need a specific application to launch the link, any phone can launch a link and the back-end will check the information, if you set this to 00, this means first that there will be  a need on your side to develop an application that activate the card and authenticate with the key 00 and then launch the link, also this is not  recommended because this means your master key will be in an application and that is not safe, either if you set this to any other key number, 01, 02,... having the 0E means that any phone can read this and then launch the link. only read access should be 0E.

2) yes, usually the CC modification is done at the end, after all the NDEF is configured and the keys changed, access conditions, etc. then you change this.



5,034 次查看
Contributor II

If the access rights are set as below, is there still a need to program the CC?

  • Read Access Key: 0E (no key required)
  • R/W Access Key: 0F (no access)
  • Write Access Key: 0F (no access)
  • Change Access Key: 0F (no access)

Making the tag read-only is described in AN12196 section 6.15, is this 'data' in the table next to step '5' a fixed value?

4,296 次查看
Contributor II
Hey, do you meanwhile have an answer to this? I'm currently at the same step and I'm wondering if I additionally need to change the CC file.
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7,754 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Manuel, 

Hope you are doing great, to change keys you can go to the security management section under NTAG 424 DNA  and below the authentication area there is a change key area, so basically you will need to authenticate with the card masterkey as you can see in the DS pastedImage_1.png

 then  issue the change key command, then you will need to take the take away from the field and put it back again so this changes happen.

for question 2

the best would be that you modify the Capability container file the E103, if done properly this will put the card in read only mode so the tag can be reader this is done ususally in the same session where you program the NDEF into the NTAG so  after doing the NDEF configuration stated in previos threads,  you will need to read the CC file to get the value and just modify this into FF ( section ) 


and write this, if you are in other session first authenticate like you did in the previous community thread.

hope this helps.

Have a nice day !



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7,754 次查看
Contributor III

Okay, so let us assume now that I want to use:


00000000000000000000000000000001 as value for my KeyDec


00000000000000000000000000000002 as value for my KeyCmac

1) I go to "Security Management" and click "Authenticate First"


which prompts me:


2) I go to Change Key and want to change lets say Key 01 and use that as KeyDec thus setting the value 00000000000000000000000000000001 and also set a new version for example 03


which prompts me:


3) then i have to authenticate again


4) I go to Change Key and want to change lets say Key 02 and use that as KeyCmac thus setting the value 00000000000000000000000000000002 and also set a new version 04

but this gives me already an Error: 911E


Thanks, jonathaniglesias

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7,754 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

also I would like to ADD that this CMAC key and encryption keys are derivated from the authentications, you  basically use one key to authenticate, during this process certain information will be shared between the tag and the reader that will create to SV numbers and after some process this SV1 and SV2 will turn into session key for CMAC and other for encryption.  hope this is clear if not I can clarify it.



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