Hi guys,
I bought the MTRCKTDPS5643L board form NXP,but there is not a project of the board,just given some files:
It is not a project,i can not down load the Code in the board before build the project.so i wanna use those files to build the CodeWarrior project,but there is a question:
When i make the prpject,all of the error is the same,shown as below,i do not know how to deal with it?
the attachment MPSM_1.zip is my new project ,but there is error,the another file comes from NXP.
BTW, there is no project attached.
Thank you for reply,Daniel.:smileyhappy:
Hi edenli,
There is no CodeWarrior project in that software package. The application is designed to be built from the makefile using the GNU Make 3.81. Furthermore the reference source code is designed to be compiled with GreenHills Compiler not with the CodeWarrior Compiler.
I don't know if this helps or not but it would be better to start from the makefile as see what files and libraries are needed to build the ELF with the GHS and then eventually migrate to the CodeWarrior.
Best regards,