FlexSPI and I2C instance 1 do not work together on S32K148. UJA1169ATK causing the issue?

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FlexSPI and I2C instance 1 do not work together on S32K148. UJA1169ATK causing the issue?

Contributor V

Hi all,


I have a UJA1169ATK connected to my S32K148 through FlexSPI. I have founf something weird that when I have set the UJA1169 into 'Normal Mode' then the pins for I2C instance 1 seems to always remain high at 5v and never sends data. I2C works before configuring the SBC into normal mode so it is not the configuration, of the FlexSPI and I2C blocks. I have attached a test model showing this.


Thanks in advance for any and all help!

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