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27,340 次查看
Contributor II

Hello! Is there any examples or documents where I can find information on how to configure and use ENET on MPC5748G?

标签 (1)
1 解答
19,516 次查看
Contributor II

Hi alextimpau​, here is the code.

It is targeted to NXP X-MPC574xG-Mother board and Daughter card board. And this project is made using S32 Design Studio for Power.

It will toggle LED DS2 when it receives the data.

You can use Packet Sender app for this.

Finally it sends packets using UDP protocol.


54 回复数
12,272 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


You can  refer to the MPC5748G-GW-RDB reference design-Example Codes-User Guide on pastedImage_2.png

The example project code : MPC5748G Secure Ethernet Gateway reference design | NXP pastedImage_4.png

Best Regards,


0 项奖励
12,272 次查看
Contributor I

Has anyone integrated any of the example mentioned here in GHS environment ?

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12,272 次查看
Contributor I

The integration has been done and I figured out the issue. I post my answer here so that it may help someone else too.

The problem I was facing in the GHS environment when I used example was that the IVOR4_Handler was not linked and the linker always said could not identify this symbol.

The issue was with intc_sw_handlers.S file. The extension of this file "S" was detected as a text file in MULTI editor from GHS.

Soltuion : rename the file extension in smaller case as intc_sw_handlers.s and then the editor detected it as assembly file. Now the proejct  compiles and links atleast.

0 项奖励
12,272 次查看
Contributor III


I use the S32 Design Studio for PA 2017.R1

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12,272 次查看
Contributor III

yueli‌  pastedImage_1.png

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12,272 次查看
Contributor III

@Yue Li  Why did this error occur in the compilation? How to solve this mistake?

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12,272 次查看
Contributor III

yueli I use LWIP UDP routine


0 项奖励
12,272 次查看
Contributor V

ENC28J60 is Ethernet controller from Microchip, it has nothing in common with the X-MPC574xG EVB. I guess that Yue Li reused code from somewhere...

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12,272 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Alek, We are using EVB MPC5748G, we are able to establish Ethernet communication (UDP, TCP) with normal Ethernet frame but when we configured VLAN we see Ethernet MAC does not transmit Ethernet frames with VLAN info and ID. Instead it transmits VLAN frame as normal Ethernet frames (i.e. Ethernet MAC drops VLAN info present in the Transmit Buffer Ring). Do you know what could be the reason behind this?

0 项奖励
11,539 次查看
Contributor I

Dear Karthik,

How to configure VLAN and which project you used?




0 项奖励
12,267 次查看
Contributor I

Hi. Karthik

I'm testing for realizing sending and receiving UDP package on MPC5748G with @ Kushal Shah's demo project, but I can not have any packages on PC and also have no inturrupts as breakpoints on MPC5748G.

Do you have any driver or projects for MPC5748G?

0 项奖励
12,271 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I have ported LWIP into MPC5748G project which used simple ethernet drivers including initialization, send package and receive package. Maybe you can have a reference.

Neil Li(李越)

12,265 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, Yue Li,

I followed your mpc5748g-ethernet-demo-user guide.pdf to practice mpc5748g-ethernet-LWIP-udp.rar

I didn't change codes in the project as well as the default IP & MAC.

Though it built in the board successfully, no message received when I used NetAsistant to send UDP packets. 

I tried to trace code by setting LEDs to check where is not executed in the program.

And found if (NetNIC_RevCheck()) cannot be access because the LED inside if cannot be traggled.

WHY the packets cannot be received and WHERE's wrong.

Hope someone gives help.

0 项奖励
12,271 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Yue, 

I'm trying to build this project, everything goes fine after updating some include path from project settings. While it shows some errors when i try to debug it, as following - 

"Warning: Device is not detected or may be censored. Please check connections or please enter password in GDB server parameters within debug configurations using the flag -uncensorpassword=n, then restart the debug session"

I'm using the DEVKIT-MPC5748G for test, and using IDE: "S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture for Linux 1.2"


What should I do for this? Any helps will be appreciated!



12,271 次查看
Contributor IV

Hi, Neil

Thank you for your project.

But your project seems need another hardware named "enc28j60".

Can your project be tested if I only have X-MPC574xG-Mother board and Daughter card board?



0 项奖励
12,271 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Qiang,

I just used X-MPC574xG-Mother board and Daughter card board.



0 项奖励
12,271 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Neil,

Thanks a lot for your project!

Could you tell me how can I use your app to send a socket from MPC5748G and intercept it in WireShark ? I tried to activate LWIP_SOCKET but I have some errors. Please, if you can give me an example.

Best regards,


0 项奖励
12,271 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Alex,

You can see the attach file -- "mpc5748g-ethernet-demo-user guide.pdf". It will help you understand the demo and help you run the demo.

Best Regards


0 项奖励
12,271 次查看
Contributor III

Hello Yue,

I tried to get your lwIP port wo work without success. I opened a thread ( ) for it.

Would you mind to take a look ?



0 项奖励
12,271 次查看
Contributor III

Hi yueli​,

thank you for your example project and user guide. It works for my setup (MPC574xG-MB + 176 DC).

Now I want to include your lwIP port to my existing project. This is what I did so far:

- copied the lwip-1.4.1

- copied the driver folder

- copied the header files from include folder

- added include paths (lwip-1.4.1/port, lwip-1.4.1/src/include and lwip-1.4.1/include/ipv4)

- added timer init and your timer ISR

Everything builds without errors but I don't get an UDP echo replied.

NetNIC_PhyInit(); replies 12040 (timeout). So I checked my timings and clocks. Mine are pretty similar to yours, but even if I copy your system160mhz() and PLL_160MHz() I run into the same errors. I checked MDC clock and it is at 2.5MHz. MDIO line shows traffic during init.

Do I miss anything? Or do you have any idea what i can check for troubleshooting?

Thank you for your efforts


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