I flash one program in MPC5644A EVT Board after that I cant able to flash program again. Using P&E USB multilink Programmer and codewarrior 10.6.4. I attched screenshot of below program which i flashed and its response. Pls help me to solve this issues.
fl::target -lc "LC for Simple Flash (2)"
fl::target -b 0x40000000 0x30000
fl::target -v off -l off
cmdwin::fl::device -d "MPC5644A_CODE_FLASH_VLE" -o "4Mx32x1" -a 0x0 0x3fffff
cmdwin::fl::image -f "D:\\codewarrior examples\\10.6\\c90FL\\FLASH\\c90FL.elf" -t "Auto Detect" -re on -r 0x0 0x3fffff -oe off
cmdwin::fl::erase image
Beginning Operation ...
Auto-detection is successful.
File is of type Elf Format.
Performing target initialization ...
Error: reset failed
Downloading Flash Device Driver ...
Error: Couldn't write flash driver to target. Can not read target memory at location: 0x0000000040000000.Please make sure that the chip selects are properly configured.
The CWPP response code is: EPPC GDI Protocol Adapter : An error occurred while trying to read memory. The operation applies to sin
gle core only..
Error: Couldn't write flash driver to target.Can not read target memory at location: 0x0000000040000000.
Please make sure that the chip selects are properly configured.
The CWPP response code is: EPPC GDI Protocol Adapter : An error occurred while trying to read memory. The operation applies to sin
gle core only..
I guess this is because of your MCU somehow not responding to the data communication through the debugger. You may replace the MCU IC with a new one.
Turgay Kale
Dear David tosenovjan,
Kindly help to solve the above issues.
Thanks & Regards,
Chandrasekar K