hi Supporter
before sending CAN messages,FLEXCAN_DRV_GetTransferStatus is applied to check the MB status,
if the MB is idle,then go to next step,otherwise,it's blocked here and waiting.
while(FLEXCAN_DRV_GetTransferStatus(CANInstancex,TX_MAILBOX_95) == STATUS_BUSY);
SendMessage_CAN(CANInstancex, TX_MAILBOX_95,0x111, data, dataLen);
I found one thing abnormal,when one CAN bus is not connected physically,then it's alaways blocked here and
other task can't be implemented.
so in SDK S/W, where to set the MB in idle status? I see some place in interupt callback function,but if the MB is busy,
the interrupt is not enabled and how to set the MB to Idle?
Thank you
the FLEXCAN_IRQHandler interrupt is called (and so internal variables are updated finally) when the message is transmitted or received successfully without error. If you have a node disconnected or it is alone on the bus, previously transmitted message is not acknowledged and is it re-transmitted still. Interrupt handler is not called. You can have error FLEXCAN_Error_IRQHandler interrupt called (or error callback if installed).
In your case you can use "if" statement and call it repeatedly
if(FLEXCAN_DRV_GetTransferStatus(CANInstancex,TX_MAILBOX_95) == STATUS_SUCCESS);
FLEXCAN_DRV_AbortTransfer function can abort transmission and restore driver's internal variables, i think.
BR, Petr