I'm using the MPC5744P now. I use GHS MULTI IDE and P&E MULTILINK and EVB is KIT33908MBEVBE+KITMPC5744DBEVM.
But the CAN0 ( FlexCAN module) can not work well. And the program is always suspending in the below line.
while ( (CAN_0.IFLAG1.B.BUF31TO8I & 1) == 0) { } // wait until the tx is completed.
Could someone give me advice about the CAN0, please? It would be better if you can share me the example code of FlexCAN.
Thanks a lot.
Original Attachment has been moved to: Example-MPC5744P-FlexCAN-simpleTXRX-v1_0-GHS614.zip
Did you have sovled your problem?I meet the same problem as you.I think there is something wrong with the example code.Since I find the program is always suspending in the below line.
while ( (CAN_0.IFLAG1.B.BUF31TO8I & 1) == 0) { } // wait until the tx is completed.
The development board I use is MPC5744P EVB ,without MC33908.
Look forward for your response.
Hi Petr
Yes, I modify SBC Init form demo code because the demo code is GHS project.
Could you provide FlexCAN sample code for S32 DS project or get me advice how to modify, please?
Thanks a lot.
Did you have solved your problem? I also use GHS MULTI IDE and EVB is KIT33908MBEVBE+KITMPC5744DBEVM .Now, the CAN0 ( FlexCAN module) can not work well,too. Is it must that the SBC chip be initialized and CAN transceiver enabled by codes?Because as we know,when JP112 is set,the CAN transceiver is in normal mode.Look forward to your reply!
Thanks a lot.
Hi Eric,
The demo example works properly on my board, but your Eclipse port does not. Seems you also modify the SBC driver, or not? Anyway it does not go through SBC Init on my side.
BR, Petr
this example was written for and tested on the MPC5744P EVB and it works well on this EVB.
With your demo board this example cannot work as the SBC CAN transceiver is used on the motherboard (KIT33908MBEVBE). The SBC chip must be initialized and CAN transceiver enabled.
You can refer to the demo code for this board; https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=MPC5744P-MC33907-MC33908-DEMO. It does the SCB init as well as simple CAN transmit.
BR, Petr
Hi Petr,
I use this example code and tested on the MPC5744P EVB,but it cannot work.Everytime it stops at this words:
while ( (CAN_0.IFLAG1.B.BUF31TO8I & 1) == 0) { } // wait until the tx is completed.
I locate TransmitMsg() into PIT0_ISR,then the PIT cannot work;When I mask this words,the PIT works well.So I think there is something wrong with it.Can you help me?Thanks very much.