Example MPC5777C External SRAM_test GHS714

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Example MPC5777C External SRAM_test GHS714

Example MPC5777C External SRAM_test GHS714

* Detailed Description:
* Application performs basic initialization then it initializes EBI for external
* SRAM connected to MPC5777C-516DS and test it by write and read of block of
* data.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test HW:         MPC5777C-512DS Rev.A + MPC57xx MOTHER BOARD Rev.C
* MCU:             PPC5777CMM03 3N45H
* Fsys:            PLL1 = core_clk = 264MHz, PLL0 = 192MHz
* Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32
* Target:          internal_FLASH
* Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A
* EVB connection:  jumper J4 on position 1-2 (choosing CS0)

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Last update:
‎02-07-2023 06:03 AM
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