Unexpected file access problems preventing development today

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Unexpected file access problems preventing development today

Contributor III


The strangest bug today - file permission errors abound! Blocked from access & development -


Error #1 - CDT Scanner problems (Access is denied):

Error 1.png





Error #2 - Source file access problems ("could not write metadata"?):

Error 2.png





Error #3 - Unspecified make errors:

Error 3.png



Error #4 - meta access perms?:

Error 4.png


  • I have also seen this prior w/.mcuxpressoide_packages_support\crt_directory.xml and ignored it, just deleting that whole directory and letting MCUXpresso automatically regen


What on earth is happening here? Nothing was changed and this happens during development - edit, compile, debug & deploy on repeat wasn't doing anything else. I am blocked from development now and need help getting this back working!


Thank you,

Justin Reina

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17 返答(返信)

Contributor III

Heard back from our IT department today -

"I read over the support article that you quoted in your ticket. Judging from what you have already tried, I'm not sure there is too much else that we are going to be able to troubleshoot. That being said, I would like to help you in any way possible. I saw that the firewall settings may be causing issues. Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to modify the SentinelOne controls without involving the Cyber Security team"

  • They don't see how they can help but are open
  • Our firewall is not available for adjustment (if needed)


"To clarify, it looks like there is conflict with files being written to your C drive with save data being written to documents within Onedrive. Due to the nature of file structure, the documents folder shouldn't be an issue. I would be more concerned with why the C drive is acting the way it is. I see that you are a local admin on your machine, so I wouldn't immediately think that there would be issues writing to the drive"

  • OneDrive? - no I put these files offline from OneDrive @ C:\MDK!


I burn ~5-15 minutes everyday at this; thoughts? Thank you Erich & team for your help!!


0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

blind shot - have you checked the Eclipse log if there are entries that might provide more info what all issues Eclipse is experiencing? Not every exception ends in the UI dialog.

I mean this file:


Contributor III

Here was the most recent log, see attached. I couldn't find anything here, thoughts?

0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


have you checked the permissions? When I can see also this one:

java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\ProgramData\NXP\mcu_data_v13\expansion_headers\dir.properties

it happens when the app is executed as an Administrator with elevated rights and some files are created by the process, and then next time when the app is executed as an ordinary user, it works (for reading purposes) until the app is going to modify the file - as in example above.

I'd try to reset the permissions and make sure they are inherited from parent folder (that is correct) and that the parent folder provides R/W access to your account.


Other than that I do not see anything interesting in the log



0 件の賞賛

Contributor III
Nice!! Thank you Libor; since this happens so often I will just wait until the next occurrence and review it then
0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor V


I have seen similar things in a situation where I was running out of disk space on the host.

Maybe this is the case for you?


0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Interesting! Thank you for the prompt reply @ErichStyger, see below -






So it looks like my local filesystem is ok; perhaps this is linked into meta files within this PC's company shared OneDrive (C:\Users\jreina\OneDrive - Midmark Corporation\)? The Documents\ dir is stored there, for example


Content Locations:

  • Project:       C:\MDK\Demos\MDK\ProjName
  • Application: C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.7.0_9198\ide
0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor V

Are you saying that your workspace (.metadata) and/or project directory is on a shared drive (OneDrive)?

If so, this would explain the problem. I would never use a shared drive (oneDrive, GoogleDrive/etc) for such a thing.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Nope! OneDrive & my development contents are separate - but MCUXpresso defaults there a lot and I have had issues prior


For context here is my OneDrive -






And my code development space -

File Explorer.png




I shared of the OneDrive notice because I have no idea what is going on! This is getting very curious to me

0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor V

ok, that looks good, as your workspace and project are local. But you are not somehow syncing or sharing that c:\mdk\demos\mdk folder, right?

Sharing things with git is fine, as long as you do not have some kind of background task trying to access and sync the files in the background.

PS: on a side note, I would not put a git repository where the .metadata is: better keep project location separate, and only put projects  and not the workspace under git control.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Clean, thank you @ErichStyger! I remove the .git\ sub-directory, that was an artifact from earlier debug attempts

Also I was, syncing that with a private remote repo that was not shared. My workspace crashed again today, thoughts?

0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Are you sure that the same workspace is not being used by some other Eclipse-based IDE? Have you inspected the list of running processes when the problem occurs? Do you see the same problems when instructing the IDE to use a workspace inside your user home folder?


MCUXpresso IDE Support

Contributor III

Excellent feedback points - thank you


  1. Workspace is exclusive to MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.0_9198 (I have separate workspaces for each sw tool)
  2. I have not inspected the list of running processes yet, interesting!
  3. I have tried workspaces at root (C:\MDK) and in my user dir (C:\Users\jreina) - same effect!

Thank you for your feedback. I will escalate to our IT department this weekend, I encounter this bug daily (3-4+ times a day!).


Your help is appreciated, back soon!

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

I tried re-installing MCUXpresso using the following procedure - 

  • Uninstall MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.0
  • Clean install directory
  • Reboot computer
  • Install (MCUXpressoIDE_11.7.0_9198.exe)

But the problem persists

0 件の賞賛

Contributor III

Could this be file access permission issues with our company IT policy?

0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor V

not sure what your company policy is, but I doubt.

Are you running any kind of firewall software? Disabling it might be an option.

Contributor III


Firewall Example.png




This has to stay on for our offices; thoughts?

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