SPI in LPC824/845 with more than one SSEL; how to select the SSEL pin before starting the transfer

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SPI in LPC824/845 with more than one SSEL; how to select the SSEL pin before starting the transfer

1,705 次查看
Contributor II

I am using the SPI in an LCP824 and will upgrade to the LPC845 (as soon as I can get one). I have an older test routine running in the LPC824 to read/write serial Flash. This used SSEL0, and works fine. Now I am trying to move and expand this code to another project with Serial EEPROM and an Analog part configured over SPI. To save pins in the HVQFN33 package I want to use one SPI block and two SSEL lines to select the correct device. Looking at the example code (from which my SPI Flash code was derived) I do not understand how to load a register or structure before the write/read in order to select SSEL1 during the transfer. 

I am #defining the  PinSPI_*  values as their port numbers and then setting the SPI up as:

    Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SPI0_SSEL0_IO, PinSPI_NCSM);  /* NCSM   -33H package  pin 11 */
    Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SPI1_SSEL0_IO, PinSPI_NCSE);  /* NCSE   -33H package  pin  5 */
    Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SPI0_SCK_IO,   PinSPI_CLK);   /* -33H package  pin 14 */
    Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SPI0_MISO_IO,  PinSPI_MISO);  /* -33H package  pin 26 */
    Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SPI0_MOSI_IO,  PinSPI_MOSI);  /* -33H package  pin 25 */

    Chip_SPI_ConfigureSPI(LPC_SPI, SPI_MODE_TEST |    /* Enable master/Slave mode */
                          SPI_CLOCK_CPHA0_CPOL0 |    /* Set Clock polarity to 0 */
                          SPI_CFG_MSB_FIRST_EN |/* Enable MSB first option */
                          SPI_CFG_SPOL_LO);    /* Chipselect is active low */

    Chip_SPI_CalClkRateDivider(LPC_SPI, 100000) ;  /*&* ??  NEJ *&*/

    DelayConfigStruct.FrameDelay = 100 ;
    DelayConfigStruct.PostDelay = 100 ;
    DelayConfigStruct.PreDelay = 100 ;
    DelayConfigStruct.TransferDelay = 100 ;
    Chip_SPI_DelayConfig(LPC_SPI, &DelayConfigStruct);


I have #defined some command and length values for interaction with the Flash (FCMD_* and FCMDLEN_*).

Then to do some function with the Flash I create a function to write the command and read back the response:

unsigned char FlashJEDECRead(unsigned char * MfgNr, unsigned int * FlashIDint)
    TxBuf[0] = FCMD_READ_JEDEC_ID ; /* 0x9F */
    XfSetup.Length = FCMDLEN_READ_JEDEC_ID ; /* 4 */
    XfSetup.pTx = TxBuf;
    XfSetup.pRx = RxBuf;
    XfSetup.RxCnt = XfSetup.TxCnt = 0;
    XfSetup.DataSize = 8;

    Chip_SPI_RWFrames_Blocking(LPC_SPI, &XfSetup);

    /* Get results from Buf and return values */

    *MfgNr = (unsigned char)(0x00FF & RxBuf[1]) ;
    *FlashIDint = (unsigned int)((0xFF00 & (RxBuf[2] << 8)) | (0x00FF & RxBuf[3])) ;

    return(TRUE) ;

My question is, when I want to extend this to use SSEL0 and SSEL1 I will need to specify which one to use for the transaction. Is there a function, or is it bits that get ored into a register and then the configuration is updated? Does this happen at the SPI configuration level, or when I am setting up the structure for the transaction.

I have seen some information in  SPI_common_8xx.h  that suggests that I want to set one of two bits in the  SPI Transmitter Data and Control register. But the #defines there only show de-asserting a (or all) SSELn bit(s). And it is not clear to me what function I would call to use those bits to set the appropriate register.

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1,272 次查看
Contributor II


Thanks for the answer the Driver always assuming SSEL0 was the critical piece of information that I did not have. I had been surprised as to why the old code with one device on SSEL0 worked without specifying which one to use. Now I know how to make the new code with two devices work.


1,272 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Norman,

If you want to use the SSEL1 from the same SPI0 module I believe you have to change the following line:

Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SPI1_SSEL0_IO, PinSPI_NCSE);  /* NCSE   -33H package  pin  5 */

To this:

Chip_SWM_MovablePinAssign(SWM_SPI0_SSEL1_IO, PinSPI_NCSE);  /* NCSE   -33H package  pin  5 */

The drivers seems to be hardcoded to only use the SSEL0 but you could use the Chip_SPI_SetControlInfo() function to indicate which slave you re going to use and create your own defines to indicate the different SSELx pins. The SPI_TXCTL register can be used to switch between the slaves.

Hope it helps!

Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer

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