Orphaned toolchain... Can't build with v10.1.1

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Orphaned toolchain... Can't build with v10.1.1

Senior Contributor I

Background: Previously using 10.0.0 with Arm 2017 q1 cross compiler for K64F target.

Just installed v10.1.1 and imported my existing projects.
When I try to build, I get:

Cannot run program "make": Launching failed

Error: Program "make" not found in PATH

In the project properties C/C++ build -> Tool Chain Editor I see "Current Toolchain: Cross GCC" (correct).

In the Tool Chain Editor I also see the "orphaned configuration" error below.


The option "Tools Paths" below Tool Chain Editor is missing (this is were I set the path to the GCC cross compiler in v10.0.0; see image from 10.0.0 below):


How to I configure v10.1.1 to use the external cross-compiler as I used in v10.0.0 so I can get some work done?

Thanks! Best Regards, Dave

PS: To add aggravation, trying 10.1.1 has corrupted the environment/project, so now trying to build the project under 10.0.0 gets the following NullPointerException (very nice):


1 解決策
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Dave,

an 'orphaned' configuration basically means that Eclipse CDT is not able to load a matching build plugin.

So it looks like somehow on your machine the GNU MCU Eclipse plugin is either not installed or not correctly installed.

I had in the past some installation issues with the 'bleeding edge' GNU MCU Eclipse plugins, so I sticked to 'known working versions'.

In any case, if this might be the issue for you, here is what I do have installed in the MCUXpresso IDE 10.1:


I used the zip file ilg.gnuarmeclipse.repository-3.4.1-201704251808.zip which is available from

Release GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v3.4.1-201704251808 · gnu-mcu-eclipse/eclipse-plugins · GitHub 

Later versions probably work too, but this is what I have and what works well for me.

I hope this helps,



6 返答(返信)
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Dave,

an 'orphaned' configuration basically means that Eclipse CDT is not able to load a matching build plugin.

So it looks like somehow on your machine the GNU MCU Eclipse plugin is either not installed or not correctly installed.

I had in the past some installation issues with the 'bleeding edge' GNU MCU Eclipse plugins, so I sticked to 'known working versions'.

In any case, if this might be the issue for you, here is what I do have installed in the MCUXpresso IDE 10.1:


I used the zip file ilg.gnuarmeclipse.repository-3.4.1-201704251808.zip which is available from

Release GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v3.4.1-201704251808 · gnu-mcu-eclipse/eclipse-plugins · GitHub 

Later versions probably work too, but this is what I have and what works well for me.

I hope this helps,


Senior Contributor I

Bingo - Thanks Erich!
Here's what's going on:

  1. MCUXpresso v10.1.1 is based on Eclipse Release 4.6.0 (Neon) revised May 30, 2016, and
    includes GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors 6-2017-q2-update 6.3.1 20170620
    Almost two years old Eclipse, and GNU stuff only 1q more recent than what I'm already using...
  2. I installed into 10.1.1 the most recent GNU MCU Eclipse plug-ins v4.3.2-201801250917.
    For some reason (probably the two-year-old Eclipse) this did not work.

I uninstalled the recent CDT stuff and reinstalled the version Erich suggested (GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v3.4.1-201704251808),

and magic, everything works as it should.

Thanks as always Erich!

Senior Contributor V

Sorry for asking a stupid question, but if you are not using the toolchain provided by NXP, then why have you upgraded?

0 件の賞賛
Senior Contributor I

To see if the current toolchain works any better, and take advantage of IDE bug-fixes.

0 件の賞賛
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Sorry, but you appear to be using the GNU MCU Eclipse plugins and an external toolchain, rather than the MCUXpresso IDE itself to build your project. Thus I'm not sure what advice we can provide here.


MCUXpresso IDE Support

0 件の賞賛
Senior Contributor I

Background: We were forced to use an external toolchain because of severe problems with the KDS toolchain (and Freescale/NXP support). If you're not aware of these, read for example: http://www.nadler.com/embedded/newlibAndFreeRTOS.html. As working around these problems is time-consuming and expensive, our customer is pointedly asking if we should continue to use your parts for the next product we're now starting to develop.

Useful support would be for example:

  1. Provide instructions to restore the Tools Paths option working fine in MCUXpresso 10.0.0 but broken in 10.1.1
  2. Provide instructions on how to update project to use the current ARM toolchain shipped with 10.1.1

Thanks in advance for providing assistance and supporting our use of your parts in future projects,
Best Regards, Dave

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