I was able to get the FreeRTOS example for the UART to build but I don't see any UART activity on my console (using Termite set for 115.2, 8, n,1 PC. UART is working I tested it with a loop back on pins 2 and 3) the K60 does seem to be running but I can't see any Rx or Tx activity.
I forgot to include my project files. this may help
Could you please help me with the version of SDK you are using as well as with the IDE you are using ? Is it a custom board or are you using an EVK ?
Hi @mschmid,
Could you please confirm your debug console in configuration is in 'UART' instead of 'Semihost' when importing the example?
I apologize, I'm having a hard time trying to understand the problem. Could you please confirm your UART works in loopback, and if so, does it show in the console?
If it does, and the problem is present otherwise, are you using an external device to communicate with the board?
Best regards, Julian