MCUXpresso redlink server fail to kill

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MCUXpresso redlink server fail to kill

1,575 次查看
Contributor II

Hello everyone,

I'm using

MCUXpresso IDE v10.3.1 [Build 2233] [2019-02-20]

on Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit.

The IDE is great, I like the improvements over LPCXpresso but one thing makes the IDE unusable, at least for me, and that is the debug session. The debug session starts correctly the first time, but the second time it fails due to the fact that the redlink server is not killed. If I do this in a separate terminal:

ps -A | grep redlink
kill XXXX

I can use the debug again.

I use LPCXpresso LPC1347 and a custom board with LPC845 target. I've tested it on LPC845 breakout board and it fails the same way.

I've followed this thread:

but it didn't help me.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated...

L. Bogdanov

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

We're aware of a timing related problem which can interfere with the redlinkserv process self-terminating. This will be fixed in a future release. The MCUXpresso IDE does offer a way to terminate component processes without you having to manually do so. In the MCUXpresso IDE, look for the button on the far right in the image below. Among other processes, this button will terminate the redlnkserv process.

Thanks and regards,

MCUXpresso Support



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



 Could you try loading the latest CMSIS-DAP or J-Link firmware to your LPC-LINK2 debug probe?

 You can use LPCScrypt to update it:


Also, Is this problem present only when debugging a specific project?



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Contributor II

Hello and thank you for your reply.

- I was unable to update my probes:

1. The LPC845BRK and the LPCXpresso1347 debuggers do not offer any way to put the probe in boot.

2. lpcscrypt installs successfully on my Ubuntu 18 but I cannot run it - in a terminal I type

lpcscrypt -d ?

but I get "command not found" error. I cannot locate anywhere on my filesystem an lpcscrypt directory. The user guide doesn't say where it is installed.

- Unfortunately I made a new project and a new workspace - both ways exhibit the same issue.

My debug probes are:

LPC11U3x CMSIS-DAP v1.0.7

LPC-Link Probe v1.3

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

We're aware of a timing related problem which can interfere with the redlinkserv process self-terminating. This will be fixed in a future release. The MCUXpresso IDE does offer a way to terminate component processes without you having to manually do so. In the MCUXpresso IDE, look for the button on the far right in the image below. Among other processes, this button will terminate the redlnkserv process.

Thanks and regards,

MCUXpresso Support


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1,340 次查看
Contributor II

Thank you! This solves my problem.

Actually I have to click Terminate  (Ctrl + F2) first and then the Clean Up Debug button ...

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