MCU XPresso

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MCU XPresso

951 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, I bought this product ( ) Experiment Kit from Embedded Artist. This kit contain of mikrocontroller LPC1114FN28/102.

I have installed MCU Xpresso IDE, how I can sett this IDE for this mikrocontroller?

I have setted from pre-installation -> lpc1114fn/102 but LPCOpen for my IDE is not exist? So and how I flash my program to mikrocontroller? Is better MCUXpresso then LPCXpresso?


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740 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

For LPC1114, you can use the LPCOpen package for LPC11C14 (as per LPCOpen Software for LPC11XX|NXP ).

I would then suggest that you read the supplied MCUXpresso IDE User Guide for details of how to import, build and debug projects (including downloading into flash). 

You may also want to take a look at this video:

and this article:

And finally, yes we would recommend MCUXpresso IDE over the older LPCXpresso IDE for new projects.


MCUXpresso IDE Support.

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