LPC54606 ENET MAC timestamp trigger interrupt

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LPC54606 ENET MAC timestamp trigger interrupt

1,806 次查看
Contributor II


    In LPC54606 manual " System time correction"

To synchronize or update the system time to reduce system-time jitter (fine correction
method), complete the following steps:
1. With the help of the algorithm explained in
Section “System time register
, calculate the rate by which you want to make the system time increments
slower or faster.
2. Update the MAC timestamp addend register
Table 813 with the new value and set bit
5 of the MAC timestamp control register
Table 806.
3. Wait for the time for which you want the new value of the addend register to be active.
You can do this by enabling the timestamp trigger interrupt after the system time
reaches the target value.
4. Enable the timestamp interrupt in bit 12 of MAC interrupt enable register
Table 789.

I don't understand "enabling the timestamp trigger interrupt after the system time reaches the target value"

1 which reg should i set the target second and nanosecond?  i cann't find in the manual.

2 how do I install the callback function for timestamp interrupt trigger ?

  I see in the fsl_enet.c(SDK 2.4.1) function ENET_IRQHandler, sames there is only one callback hold by "handle->callback", but there are multiple interrupt events,

void ENET_IRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle)
    /* Check for the interrupt source type. */
    /* DMA CHANNEL 0. */
                handle->callback(base, handle, kENET_RxIntEvent, 0, handle->userData);

    /* DMA CHANNEL 1. */
                handle->callback(base, handle, kENET_RxIntEvent, 1, handle->userData);

    /* MAC TIMESTAMP. */
            if (handle->callback)
                handle->callback(base, handle, kENET_TimeStampIntEvent, 0, handle->userData);

I see in ethernetif.c:

static void enet_init(struct netif *netif, struct ethernetif *ethernetif,
                      const ethernetif_config_t *ethernetifConfig)


/* Create the handler. */
    ENET_EnableInterrupts(ethernetif->base, kENET_DmaTx | kENET_DmaRx);
    ENET_CreateHandler(ethernetif->base, &ethernetif->handle, &config, &buffCfg[0], ethernet_callback, netif);


use "ENET_CreateHandler" to install callback for timestamp interrupt trigger event? if so , what the value of "enet_config_t *config, enet_buffer_config_t *bufferConfig" should input?

thanks very much.

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Contributor II


I try to find the same registers (registers to set time to trig an interrupt TSTRIG bit of MAC_TIMESTAMP_CTRL).

I follow documentation, but find nothing.



Any advice will be welcome


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


You can check the MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual for reference. 


Have a nice day!


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1,604 次查看
Contributor II

Hi  Sol

     thanks for helping.

     I go through enet.c and enet.h detailly, bug found no unswer.

     is this a bug?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


The bit TSTRIG in the MAC timestamp control register  Enable timestamp interrupt trigger.

the bit TSUPDT in the same register Update timestamp. When this bit is set, the system time is updated (added or subtracted) with the value specified in MAC system time seconds update Table 809 and MAC system time nanoseconds update Table 810. This bit should be zero before updating it. This bit is reset when the update is complete in hardware. The timestamp higher word register (if enabled during core configuration) is not updated. Access restriction applies. Setting 1 sets. Self-cleared. Setting 0 has no effect. 


The lpc54608.h file contains the definitions for the Time stamp control register.


I hope this helps, 



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1,604 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Soledad

     Thanks helping.

     There are 2 method described in LPC54606 manual " System time correction", " coarse correction method " and " fine correction method ", your reply explains " coarse correction method ", I asked " fine correction method ".

    I just do't understand the flow described in the manual.

    thanks again.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Sorry for the delay. 

In the fine correction method, a slave clock’s frequency drift with respect to the master clock (as defined in IEEE 1588) is corrected over a period of time instead of in one clock, as in coarse correction. This helps maintain linear time and does not introduce drastic changes (or a large jitter) in the reference time between PTP sync message intervals. In this method, an accumulator sums up the contents of the addend register. The arithmetic carry that the accumulator generates is used as a pulse to increment the system time counter. The accumulator and the addend are 32-bit registers. Here, the accumulator acts as a high-precision frequency multiplier or divider.

The system time update logic requires a 50 MHz clock frequency to achieve 20 ns accuracy. The frequency division is the ratio of the reference clock frequency to the required clock frequency. Hence, if the reference clock is, for example, 66 MHz, this ratio is calculated as 66 MHz / 50 MHz = 1.32. Hence, the default addend value to be set in the register is 232 / 1.32, 0xC1F07C1F. If the reference clock drifts lower, to 65 MHz for example, the ratio is 65 / 50, or 1.3 and the value to set in the addend register is 232 / 1.30, or 0xC4EC4EC4. If the clock drifts higher, to 67 MHz for example, the addend register must be set to 0xBF0B 7672. When the clock drift is nil, the default addend value of 0xC1F0 7C1F (232 / 1.32) must be programmed.

Have a nice day!


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1,604 次查看
Contributor II

could someone help on this,thanks.

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