Is MQX TAD support available for MCUXpresso?

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Is MQX TAD support available for MCUXpresso?

Contributor III

We have ported a project from KDS, using KSDK 1.2.0 and MQX for KSDK.  

We would like to continue to use the MQX TAD inside of MCUXpresso (Currently using MCUXpresso 10.0.2).

I have the MQX RTOS TAD installed inside MCUXpresso:


But when I pause debugging nothing is displayed in the MQX windows:


Nothing seems to refresh when the windows are selected, either.  In KDS when an MQX TAD window is selected and the program is paused, there seems to be a refresh in the TAD window.  I do not see any activity in the TAD window in MCUXpresso.

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5 Replies

Contributor I

Hi Ed, do you happen to have also the latest MQX TAD for IAR 8.xx?

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Contributor III

Another Update:

I was able to get the TAD working when using the PEMicro debugger, but not with the LPCLink2.

However, when I took the LPCLink 2 out of Non-Stop Mode and placed it in All-Stop mode, the MQX TAD worked.  

Is there anyway for the MQX TAD to be updated to work in non-stop mode?  That's one of the reasons we bought the LPCLink 2, to be able to view variables without pausing.  But now, in order for us to see MQX task status we have to turn off the non-stop mode.

I am guessing inside the plugin there is a check to see if the program is paused.  But when non-stop is enabled in LPCLink 2 and I pause the program, it is somehow not registering inside the plugin to load the views.  The menu for "MQX" shows all options as grayed-out, which is how it displays when the program is in run-mode when debugging with PEMicro.

Is the source for MQX TAD available to the community?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


As I know, MCUXpresso doesn't support MQX TAD so far. The supported SW list is as below:


MQX™ Design and Development Tools|NXP 

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

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Contributor III

Hi Jennie,

That is unfortunate news.  Is there any work on my end I can do to enable this content?  What would need to be done to make this available in MCUXpresso?  Is the plugin source available to the community?

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Contributor III


I just wanted to provide an update to the community in case anyone else is running into this issue.  It turns out that MQX TAD DOES work in MCUXpresso IDE!  The reason it was not working for me before was because I included the release version of the MQX library, instead of the debug version.

I realized this after enabling the eclipse console and viewing the output when I paused the debugger and tried to load MQX TAD views.  There were lots of errors in the log.  Here is an example:


I then tried to put the _mqx_kernel_data->TD_LIST.SIZE into the expressions view in the debugger, and it gave the same error.

I then rebuilt my project using the debug version of the library without any optimizations, and the MQX TAD works as expected!


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