Hello World and Blinky Demo Apps won't Prog/Debug in Xpresso IDE v11.1.1, But Work Fine in Xpresso IDE v11.0.1

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Hello World and Blinky Demo Apps won't Prog/Debug in Xpresso IDE v11.1.1, But Work Fine in Xpresso IDE v11.0.1

1,022 次查看
Contributor III

I'm using the unmodified demo apps for the FRDM-KE02Z40M board.



Debugger Console tab:

monitor selectcore 0

"monitor" command not supported by this target.


The program is not being run.


Console tab:

P&E Semihosting Console

Connection closed by the GDB server.


<Device is being erased and programmed and runs OK standalone, but will not run from debugger connection.>

UPDATE CORRECTION: Device is NOT getting erased OR programmed with Xpresso IDE v11.1.1.

Console info:

     IDE v11.0.1.                                                                        IDE v11.1.1.


What's the problem?

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2 回复数

880 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Luis,

I have contacted PEmicro support. Based upon the information I sent them, they confirmed that there seems to be a problem (drivers maybe?), although they could not confirm with my specific FRDM board.

They requested more specific information which I just sent.

Stay tuned and I will post results if successful.


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880 次查看
Contributor II

This is the same problem that I have already posted as "GDB server closes connection" by Luis Espinal Mar 19, 2020

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