I am trying to optimize the execution speed of some firmware I have written for a K64 MCU. Some of the processing requires floating point arithmetic, and I would like to make sure that I haven't written code that inadvertently requires a double-precision calculation (see tip #3 here: 10 useful tips for using the floating point unit on the Cortex-M4), since this could not make use of the onboard FPU.
Can MCUXpresso generate a compilation notification in case a double precision calculation is used?
Hi Andy,
MCUXpresso default use arm-none-eabi-gcc. I found someone has asked this question on the net. Please see c++ - How to disable double-precision math while compiling with GCC or/and IAR? - Stack Overflow
Thus, you can add the option to properties->C/C++ builder->Settings->Miscellaneous->Other flags