MCUXpresso IDE (macOs) Error reading from server (redlinkserv)

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MCUXpresso IDE (macOs) Error reading from server (redlinkserv)

Contributor I

MCUXpresso IDE (MacOs) Error reading from server (redlinkserv)

[Started server]

[Connected on port 3025]


Error reading from server (redlinkserv):

Read timed out


I'm trying to debug the LPCX804 example code on the target. However, I'm having problems reaching the debug probe with MCUXpresso IDE on MacOS

I've tried:

  • IDE versions 10.2 and 11.0
  • LPCxpresso 8.2 
  • build and debug:
  • Cannot write to server: not open (RedLinkServerException)

  • clean up debug and retry, IOException Read timed out 
  • tried ports 3050 and 3075
  • disabling auto build
  • sending listProbes command
  • manually starting linkserver

It has worked twice today. However, i most of the time I can't get any comms with the debug probe. to make this happen i've reconnected the USB and quickly sent the listProbes command:

Index = 1

Manufacturer = NXP Semiconductors

Description = LPC11U3x CMSIS-DAP v1.0.4

Serial Number = 0201000B

VID:PID = 1FC9:0132

Path = USB_1fc9_0132_14200000_ff00

I know the board works as i've tried it with a linux machine. However, i'd like to get it working on my personal laptop.

Many thanks,


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9 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Normally, you would only expect to see the probe come up in this mode if the reset button (S3) is held down as the board is powered up. So first of all check that the reset button isn't stuck down.

If that doesn't help ,then it sounds like you need to reprogram the probe firmware (though I can't think how you might have "lost" it).

The LPC11U3x based probe firmware can be found at: Firmware and drivers for LPC11U35 debug probes 

There is also a link to this in the IDE's Help ->Additional Resources menu.

The user manual for the LPCXpresso804 contains information on how to program the firmware into the probe. You can download from:

but you may also find these articles of interest:

New debug probe firmware & drivers for MAX boards 

Flashing and Installing the new firmware and drivers for LPC11U35 debug probes 

Note you don't need to install drivers on macOS.

Anyway, please let us know if reprogramming the debug probe firmware helps resolve your issue.


MCUXpresso IDE Support

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

You still haven't told us what version of mac OS you are running? I've just tried debugging an LPCXpresso804 board here on my Macbook Pro (15in, 2016 model) running macOS 10.14.6, and don't see any issues.

It would probably be worth trying the following, and see if anything helps:

  • Try a different USB cable
  • If using a USB hub, try a direct connection to the host computer
  • If using a USB hub, try using one with a separate power supply – rather than relying on the supply over USB from your Mac.

Please also provide the output from running the following command in a terminal (when you have your LPCXpresso804 board attached to your Mac) :

system_profiler SPUSBDataType


MCUXpresso IDE Support

0 Kudos

Contributor I


macOS 10.14.5 (macbook Air, early 2014)

My board appears to still be in the firmware upgrade mode. I can't seem to connect it as a COM port:

sudo system_profiler SPUSBDataType


    USB 3.0 Bus:

      Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBXHCILPT

      PCI Device ID: 0x9c31

      PCI Revision ID: 0x0004

      PCI Vendor ID: 0x8086

        BRCM20702 Hub:

          Product ID: 0x4500

          Vendor ID: 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.)

          Version: 1.00

          Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec

          Manufacturer: Apple Inc.

          Location ID: 0x14300000 / 3

          Current Available (mA): 500

          Current Required (mA): 94

          Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

          Built-In: Yes

            Bluetooth USB Host Controller:

              Product ID: 0x828f

              Vendor ID: 0x05ac (Apple Inc.)

              Version: 1.50

              Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec

              Manufacturer: Apple Inc.

              Location ID: 0x14330000 / 6

              Current Available (mA): 500

              Current Required (mA): 0

              Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

              Built-In: Yes


          Product ID: 0x000f

          Vendor ID: 0x1fc9  (NXP Semiconductors)

          Version: 7.02

          Serial Number: ISP

          Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec

          Manufacturer: NXP

          Location ID: 0x14100000 / 15

          Current Available (mA): 500

          Current Required (mA): 100

          Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

We aren't seeing any issues debugging LPC804 board on macOS here. What version of macOS are you running?

But this sounds like something is stopping the low level debug server from starting up. Have you go any third party virus protection / firewall software running on your Mac?


MCUXpresso IDE Support

0 Kudos

Contributor I

thanks for your reply. I'm not running any anti virus. I've retried the above with the macOS firewall completely disabled. Same results. This may not be fixable :-(

0 Kudos

Senior Contributor V

Have you tried running as super user?

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Same result when trying to debug a multi_timer_blinky project:

Read timed out

Read timed out
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.client.RedlinkServerClient.receive(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.client.RedlinkServerClient.sendReceive(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.client.RedlinkServerClient.sendReceive(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.client.RedlinkServerClient.sendReceive(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.client.RedlinkServerClient.probeList(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.common.redlinkserver.RedlinkServerEmuHandler.discoverEmulators(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.mac.AbstractMacServerProbe.discoverEmulators(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.EmulatorsDB.getEmus(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.EmulatorsDB.getEmulatorInfo(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.EmulatorsDB.getAvailableEmulators(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.TargetDiscovery.getAvailableEmulators(
at com.crt.debugcommon.emulator.CRTLaunchConfigHandler.probeDiscovery(

[Started server]

[Connected on port 3025]


Error reading from server (redlinkserv):

Read timed out

No probes found


[Started server]

[Connected on port 3025]


Error reading from server (redlinkserv):

Read timed out

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Dan,


I recommend you to update the firmware and drivers of LPC11U35. Please check the below document for instructions.

Flashing and Installing the new firmware and drivers for LPC11U35 debug probes 


Hope it helps!


Have a great day,

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0 Kudos

Contributor I

Thanks for you reply Felipe. I'm running macOS, not windows. I tried the firmware upgrade but now the board keeps mounting as CRP DISABLED when i power it on. What should i do?

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