Hi Sir,
I was using the LPC55s16 microcontroller.In Timer unable to cofigure to use the Capture mode.Is there any example code for Capture mode in LPC55S16 Microcotroller.
Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting our case, could you elaborate further about what you want to do on your application?
Best regards,
To configure the lpc55s16 timer as capture mode using external switch if i press the switch twice i want to calculate the time period between pressing the switch
Hello, I reviwed the SDK and the only example that may has your requeriment will be the anactrl.
This is the description of the example.
The anactrl_measure_frequency Example project is to demonstrate usage of the KSDK anactrl driver.
In the example, you can set a reference clock and target clock. The project will calculate the frequency of the
target clock according to the reference clock frequency.
Analog control measure frequency example.
Reference clock source: wdt oscillator.
Target clock source: 32kHz oscillator.
Target clock frequency: 29799 Hz.
Maybe that example could help you.
Best regards,