I have a PE Multilink FX that I had already used and it worked well.
Today, I have difficulties to use the debugger, I have the blue ligth Indicator (power indicator) that is blinking when I connect the USB cable to my PC (no board connected).
If I connect PE to my board, the led yellow is ligth and the blue is blinking, if I try to program my board (mcuxpresso, IMX 1064), I have a timout error.
1) Do you know have already this problem,why the blue ligth is blinking whereas it should be ligthed if it is powered?
2) Is it broken and how can resolve it.
It is the first time that I have this problem, I have no possibilities to buy a new one.
Thank you
I have the Multilink for 3 years.
Thank you for your answer.
Thank you for answer. I have just tried in a different machine, the result is the same. In the device manager, the Jungo show "USB multilink 2.0" when power on (ref to the picture). I have today contact the vendor with forum by creating a new topic.
The blink is regular, 1 sec period.
Have you already got this problem?
Thank you regards,
I have used many Multilinks over several years, but not seen something like that. I saw one or two times where the blue LED was on only shortly and then going off: in that case the unit was damaged (probably because of ESD), so we had to replace it.
Hi Patrice,
the blue LED indicates the USB connection to the host. So it could be that the host constantly disconnects the probe. Can you check the device manager or try it with a different host machine?
Otherwise: have you contacted the vendor (PEMicro, PEmicro | Experts in Embedded tools for Flash Programming and Development ) already?