AppWizard update?

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AppWizard update?

2,938 次查看
Contributor III

Segger just published version 1.20 of the AppWizard, but NXP still provides older 1.08 version. Any hint when NXP will align its version?

Thank you,



Segger (trial) link:

NIXP (old) version:

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1,231 次查看
Contributor III

Segger has published AppWizard V1.32_6.28 (2022-09-15) and also NXP has updated its SDK 2.13.0 (2023-01-18) to use emWin 6.28: however there is no AppWizard 1.32 kit on NXP website (the latest one is 1.20).

The license of the AppWizard from Segger has these statements:

2.1 If you received the Software from SEGGER as a part of the licensed emWin 
PRO Bundle you shall make use of the Software only in strict compliance with 
the terms and conditions of the associated license agreement it is distributed 

2.2 If you receive the Software from one of the SEGGER Silicon Vendor Partners 
together with a license for SEGGER's emWin-Software in Object code form you 
shall make use of the Software only in strict compliance with such license 
including but not limited to the restrictions as contained therein with regard 
to the target CPUs the emWin-Software in Object code form may be used with.

2.3    If neither a license for the emWin PRO Bundle is granted to you by SEGGER 
nor a license for SEGGER's emWin-Software in Object Code form by any of the 
SEGGER Silicon Vendor Partners you are not authorized to use the Software. 


It looks like we need to get the kit legally from NXP: when will NXP make the latest AppWizard kit available on their website?

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2,213 次查看
Contributor I

Hi , Segger released  new versions of Emwin(6.24),AppWizard(1.26) with many new features.

Is there any plan to update to this release ?


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2,883 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Jun Zhang,

Is there any update on this alignment as one of our customer is also asking for this alighnment. 






2,873 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Audrey

MCUXpresso SDK 2.9.x includes emWin 6.14d. Since this version of emWin is compatible with AppWizard 1.08, that’s the latest version we have posted on In the next major release of the SDK, we’ll be updating emWin and AppWizard to versions 6.16c and 1.20 respectively.


Have a nice day,

Jun Zhang

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2,695 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

@ZhangJennie ,


Do you have any update on the emWin and AppWizard to versions 6.16c and 1.20? Customer is asking on this. Per our customer, our competitor already released with these version. Aside, the customer is asking whether we have a separate forum for NXP customers on Segger emWin related queries or they should use our community. 








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2,688 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

HI EngHuiPeng

I just checked the link

the lib is not update.

Will check it again and keep you in loop.


Jun Zhang


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2,923 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Daniel

Thanks for your contacting us.

I feed back this web posting issue to marketing to request the libs to be aligned. Thank you for brining the problem to our attention.


Best Regards

Jun Zhang

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1,895 次查看
Contributor I

I want to built a GUI using Appwizard and run it on imxrt1176. I didn't find BSP file required for imxrt1176 in Appwizard. What should I do?

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