All registers show disabled for running SDK example project

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All registers show disabled for running SDK example project

661 次查看
Contributor III

mcuxpresso (v11.0.1) debugger shows all registers disabled for running SDK (FRDM-KE02Z) example project(hello_world).  Likewise Program Flash and SRAM show nothing but ????.  Example IS running OK.

Using a (FRDM-KL25Z) example project with (hello_world), appears to work properly and I can view registers and memory.

Why does everything appear disabled in the registers view with the FRDM-KE02Z board and running example project?

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563 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello gregs5451

I suggest to update the opensda firmware(suggest j-link)


The program flash and SRAM registers are found at the peripherals window. The register updates their value when the debug session is at pause.



Let me know if this is helpful.

Best regards,


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564 次查看
Contributor III

Yes, I found my FRDM-KE02Z board had slightly older app firmware. So I updated it 1.14 -> 1.18. P&E

Regarding viewing variables, I was informed earlier by a support rep. that updates will only occur during PAUSE, which I did not expect from my experience with CodeWarrior.

Thanks for the update tip though.

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