In S32k144 Cant Write FSEC, SEC bits using J-LINK

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In S32k144 Cant Write FSEC, SEC bits using J-LINK

2,824 次查看
Contributor I


I am trying to update FSEC register to make my controller Secure.

/* Flash Configuration */
.section .FlashConfig, "a"
.long 0xFFFFFFFF /* 8 bytes backdoor comparison key */
.long 0xFFFFFFFF /* */
.long 0xFFFFFFFF /* 4 bytes program flash protection bytes */
.long 0xFFFF7FFF /* FDPROT:FEPROT:FOPT:FSEC(0xFF = secured) */


Even though; i have updated FSEC register in startup_S32K144.S file; And generated .hex file.


But While Software flashing; After doing Software Erase.

FSEC register value automatically updates from 0xFF to 0xFE


Please help me to resolve this issue.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Sandipta,

Which IDE are you using?

Modify the FSEC register in startup_S32K144.S file and generated .hex file by using S32 Design Studio for ARM Version 2.2, I was able to see the (0xFF = secured)

And then select allow security in J-Flash, you should be able to secure it.

J-Flash allow security.pngopen hex file.png

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2,283 次查看
Contributor II

Dear Robin

if the FSEC register is 0xFF , you can't read any memory by J-flash.

Because FSEC register is used to prevent reading.

Maybe you can close the j-flash and open to read ?

Anyway , How can i program by S32DS for ARM 2.2 & J-LINK with the FSEC register 0xby FF ?

I can do it by PE-micro and openSDA.


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