We wanted to connect NXP-S9KEA8P44M48SF0 to S32V234-EVB2 board using UART.
Please do share details about connecting.
We understand that, S32v234-Evb2 has serial to USB converter chip ( ttyLF0 device node is being shown) in order to connect to PC.
But we would like to have UART communication between S32V234-EVB2 board and NXP-S9KEA8P44M48SF0, please do provide any pointers and details.
- Do let us know software dependencies like UART driver etc so as to communicate with NXP-S9KEA8P44M48SF0 using UART.
- Feasibility of connecting aS32V234-EVB2 board and NXP-S9KEA8P44M48SF0,using UART.
Hello Prem J,
This community space do not cover the topic you need assistance on.
Please create new NXP support case according to following procedure:https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-329745
Hope this helps,