board bringup using ls1043a custom board

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board bringup using ls1043a custom board

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Contributor II


we are trying to  bringup our custom board with LS1043A by following procedure given in  Bringing up layerscape devices using CCS script and DRAM init  AN12270.

Due to issue with Flash device , we  want to use DRAM boot . As apart of that we have customized  ddr4 Init  using QCVS Tool and  also U-boot  complied to target  DRAM BOOT. 

After   run the Lsbp.tcl  script. following data is coming  in CCS window.


 We have verified U-Boot  dump in ddr4  by memory view and it was ok. But we are not getting any  status  on console port. As per the docs from NXP  for dram boot, PBL is not required and it will be in bypass mode. Am  I correct?.

1.  After dumping the  U-boot in ddr4, how control will jump to starting address of boot code?

2. As per RCW src console port  UART1 is enabled. But we are unable to  access it. no prompt is coming on serial port..

3.Please clarify where will be the b problem? or approach is not correct?.

For your reference copy of   customized Lsbp.tcl  is given below.



# Script to init ddr, copy u-boot and launch it

namespace eval lsbp {

proc lsbp {} {

#1: Customize the ddr init script file name
source ddr-init-ls1043rdb_pd.tcl
#2: Set device, currently supports ls1021a/ls1043a/ls1046a
set device ls1043a
switch -exact $device {
"ls1021a" { set dut ls1020a }
"ls1043a" { set dut ls1043a }
"ls1046a" { set dut ls1043a }
default {echo This device is not supported; return 0}
#3: Set hardcode_rcw
# For LS1043A and LS1046A
# 0x9E: DDRCLK is the reference clock for DDR
# 0x9F: DIFF_SYSCLK is the reference clock for DDR
# For LS1021A
# 0x9B: First try value. See RM for more options
set hardcode_rcw 0x9F

#4: Please customize the CWTAP setting, see Apps note for more info
delete all
config cc cwtap:
ccs::config_chain "$dut dap sap2"

# Call rcw-override procedure
lsbp::rcw-override $dut $hardcode_rcw

# Parse the JTAG to find out the chain position of DAP, SAP2, Boot Core
set tap [lsbp::tap-parse]
set dap [lindex $tap 0]
set sap2 [lindex $tap 1]
set boot_core [lindex $tap 2]

# Call the pbi procedure to write minimal registers
lsbp::pbi $dut $dap

# Call init-ddrc procedure to initialize DDR controller
lsbp::init-ddrc $dap

# Call loadb procedure to load u-boot.bin to DDR address 0x82000000
lsbp::loadb $sap2
# Release the boot core, ARM core 0
ccs::run_core $boot_core

proc rcw-override {dut hardcode_rcw} {
ccs::config_template 0 0x1001 5000
ccs::config_template 0 0x1000 1
ccs::write_reg 0 rcw_src $hardcode_rcw
ccs::write_reg 0 rcw11 0x01098800
ccs::config_chain "$dut dap sap2"
display ccs::get_config_chain

proc pbi {dut chain_pos} {
if {$dut == "ls1020a"} {
ccs::write_mem $chain_pos 0 0x1ee0200 4 0 0x82000000
} elseif {$dut == "ls1043a"} {
# For both LS1043/LS1046
ccs::write_mem $chain_pos 0 0x1570418 4 0 0x0000009e
ccs::write_mem $chain_pos 0 0x157041c 4 0 0x0000009e
ccs::write_mem $chain_pos 0 0x1570420 4 0 0x0000009e
#ccs::write_mem $chain_pos 0 0x1570188 4 0 0x80000000
ccs::write_mem $chain_pos 0 0x1570600 4 0 0x00000000
ccs::write_mem $chain_pos 0 0x1570604 4 0 0x82000000
} else {
echo This device is not supported;
return 0

proc loadb { chain_pos } {
ccs::set_max_tck $chain_pos 18000
set fd [open ./u-boot.bin r]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set i 0
while 1 {
set data0 [read $fd 8]
set data0h [bin2hex $data0]
set data1 [read $fd 8]
set data1h [bin2hex $data1]
set data2 [read $fd 8]
set data2h [bin2hex $data2]
set data3 [read $fd 8]
set data3h [bin2hex $data3]
ccs::write_mem $chain_pos 0 [format 0x%x [expr 0x82000000+$i]] 8 0 "$data0h $data1h $data2h $data3h"
if { [eof $fd] } break
incr i 32
close $fd

proc bin2hex {binstr {delim ""}} {
set s ""
set 0x " 0x"
for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $binstr]} {incr i} {
binary scan [string index $binstr $i] H2 cc
set s ${cc}${s}
if { $i == 3 || $i == 7} {
set s ${0x}${s}
switch [string length $binstr] {
0 { return "0x00000000 0x00000000" }
1 { return "0x00000000 0x000000${s}" }
2 { return "0x00000000 0x0000${s}" }
3 { return "0x00000000 0x00${s}" }
4 { return "0x00000000${s}" }
5 { return "0x000000${s}" }
6 { return "0x0000${s}" }
7 { return "0x00${s}" }
default {
return $s

proc tap-parse {} {
set sap2 0
set dap 0
set sp 0
set dpaa 0
set gpp_cores {}
set chain_pos 0
set children [ccs::get_config_chain]
set tap_num 0
foreach child $children {
set type $child
#echo $type
if {$type == $ccs::core(sap2)} { set sap2 $tap_num
} elseif {$type == $ccs::core(dap)} { set dap $tap_num
} elseif {$type == $ccs::core(CortexA5)} { set sp $tap_num
} elseif {$type == $ccs::core(lsdpaa2)} { set dpaa $tap_num
} elseif {$type == $ccs::core(CortexA53)} { lappend gpp_cores $tap_num
} elseif {$type == $ccs::core(CortexA72)} { lappend gpp_cores $tap_num
} elseif {$type == $ccs::core(CortexA7)} { lappend gpp_cores $tap_num }
incr tap_num
set boot_core [lindex $gpp_cores 0]
echo $gpp_cores;
echo boot_core;
return [list $dap $sap2 $boot_core]





Thanks& regards



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383 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

After using QCVS DDR tool to calculate DDR controller configuration parameters, you need to use QCVS DDRv tool to connect to the target board to do verification and optimization to get the final DDR controller configuration parameters.

You could modify CodeWarrior initialization file and use diagnostic feature provided in CodeWarrior to check whether DDR access on your custom board is OK. You could also run CodeWarrior bareboard project to check whether the UART console is OK.

You also need to modify DDR controller configuration in u-boot source code.

In addition, you need to compile u-boot binary file for SD/eMMC or NAND.


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